Friday, December 28, 2012

Time of Your Life

Time of Your Life
Do you reflect upon the years gone by
as you prepare for yet one more,
with promises and resolutions
that you have made before?
Do memories of people and places
once as sharp as any knife
now blend in bits and pieces
in a kaleidoscope of life?
Do you squander precious minutes
seeking reasons why you're here,
contemplating your life's purpose
year after passing year?
Persuade yourself to understand,
it matters not the reason.
Your purpose is to seize the life
in every passing season!
Learn to see things differently.
Let your thoughts and actions change.
Allow your views of past and present
to slowly rearrange.
Let your spirit start anew;
become focused and aware
of the moments and the blessings
that surround you everywhere!
Do not permit past memories:
the where…the who…the how
to become more important
than the ones you’re making now.
Live life in person;
inhabit every day.
You may not like where you are now,
but you’re there anyway!
A lifetime is a puzzle,
every failure, each success
adds another jagged piece
to fit together with the rest.
To finish the picture
and view the masterpiece whole,
fill the time of your life
with your heart and your soul.
Acquaint yourself with your feelings
and heighten your senses.
Experience living.
Put down your defenses.
You don't have to know why
you are you, and I’m me.
Believe it is what it is
and it’s how it should be.
You did not choose your date of birth,
nor do you know your last,
so live this gift that is your present,
before it becomes your past.
Linda Ellis, copyright 2011
Have a Healthy and Successful end to 2012 and Blessings for 2013

Monday, December 10, 2012

How Much water should I drink?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard a lot about water and weight loss. Can drinking more water really help you lose weight? The short answer is yes -- and no.
If you’re already well hydrated and getting plenty of water, getting more water into your diet probably won’t make a lot of difference. But if you’re going through your days a little -- or a lot -- dehydrated, as many people are, getting enough water could help. I always get asked how much water a person should be drinking on a daily basis. A general rule is to drink 60-65% of your body weight as a minimum. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds then you should be consuming 60-65oz of water. Now there are many factors on the amount of water that a person should be consuming. If you exercise you should add 10-12oz per 30 minutes of exercise. If you are over weight you should add 8-10oz per 20 pounds of excess weight. If you live in a hot climate you will need to up your intake. If you don't drink enough water that is recommended you may want to increase your intake gradually or you may be spending a lot of time in the bathroom. Here's a little tool help get the right amount of water into your daily diet.

Take the Hydration Calculator Quiz

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Your Brain

By David DiSalvo, Forbes

Overeating, poor memory formation, learning disorders, depression – all have been linked in recent research to the over-consumption of sugar. And these linkages point to a problem that is only beginning to be better understood: what our chronic intake of added sugar is doing to our brains.

How Much Sugar Are We Consuming?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average American consumes 156 pounds of added sugar per year. That’s five grocery store shelves loaded with 30 or so one pound bags of sugar each. If you find that hard to believe, that’s probably because sugar is so ubiquitous in our diets that most of us have no idea how much we’re consuming. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) puts the amount at 27.5 teaspoons of sugar a day per capita, which translates to 440 calories – nearly one quarter of a typical 2000 calorie a day diet.

The key word in all of the stats is “added.” While a healthy diet would contain a significant amount of naturally occurring sugar (in fruits and grains, for example), the problem is that we’re chronically consuming much more added sugar in processed foods.

That’s an important clarification because our brains need sugar every day to function. Brain cells require two times the energy needed by all the other cells in the body; roughly 10% of our total daily energy requirements. This energy is derived from glucose (blood sugar), the gasoline of our brains. Sugar is not the brain’s enemy — added sugar is.

BNDF Explained

Research indicates that a diet high in added sugar reduces the production of a brain chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Without BDNF, our brains can’t form new memories and we can’t learn (or remember) much of anything. Levels of BDNF are particularly low in people with an impaired glucose metabolism–diabetics and pre-diabetics–and as the amount of BDNF decreases, sugar metabolism worsens.

The Side Effects

In other words, chronically eating added sugar reduces BDNF, and then the lowered levels of the brain chemical begin contributing to insulin resistance, which leads to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which eventually leads to a host of other health problems. Once that happens, your brain and body are in a destructive cycle that’s difficult if not impossible to reverse.

Research has also linked low BDNF levels to depression and dementia. It’s possible that low BDNF may turn out to be the smoking gun in these and other diseases, like Alzheimer’s, that tend to appear in clusters in epidemiological studies. More research is being conducted on this subject, but what seems clear in any case is that a reduced level of BDNF is bad news for our brains, and chronic sugar consumption is one of the worst inhibitory culprits.

Other studies have focused on sugar’s role in over-eating. We intuitively know that sugar and obesity are linked, but the exact reason why hasn’t been well understood until recently. Research has shown that chronic consumption of added sugar dulls the brain’s mechanism for telling you to stop eating. It does so by reducing activity in the brain’s anorexigenic oxytocin system, which is responsible for throwing up the red “full” flag that prevents you from gorging. When oxytocin cells in the brain are blunted by over-consumption of sugar, the flag doesn’t work correctly and you start asking for seconds and thirds, and seeking out snacks at midnight.

What these and other studies strongly suggest is that most of us are seriously damaging ourselves with processed foods high in added sugar, and the damage begins with our brains. Seen in this light, chronic added-sugar consumption is no less a problem than smoking or alcoholism. And the hard truth is that we may have only begun to see the effects of what the endless sugar avalanche is doing Source:
See more Nursing Your Sweet Tooth at

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

3 Exercises for Bone Health

(source Dr Weil)

Good nutrition (such as adequate calcium intake) is vital to bone health - but so is exercise. Daily exercise can help to prevent and even reverse bone loss, as well as promote stability and balance. Incorporate these forms of exercise into your daily routine to help keep your bones strong and your body flexible:
  1. Weight-bearing exercise - try walking, dancing or climbing stairs daily (aim for 30-60 minutes most days).
  2. Strength training - lunges, TRX, free weights or weight machines are good choices - contact a professional trainer for personal instruction.
  3. Flexibility exercises - tai chi and yoga can improve balance, coordination and flexibility.
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

I don't believe in the whole "milk does a body good" mantra, even if the regulations are different here in Canada than in the US. The body can't digest milk properly after the age of three, and I can think of much better foods and supplements that would give you more calcium, vitamin D without all the added sugar.
Milk Doesn't Produce Phlegm
Fact or fiction: Milk makes you mucus-y?

You may be used to avoiding your daily glass of milk whenever you find yourself battling a cold — it's commonly thought that milk increases phlegm and makes your cold worse. But there's no evidence that milk causes your body to produce more phlegm than it normally does when you're sick. However, for some people, drinking milk can make phlegm thicker and irritate the throat more — so if that's you, stick to water.

Smooching Spreads Germs? 
The last thing you want to do when you're sick is give your cold to someone you love. But do you really need to put your lips on lock down when you have a cold?

Fact or fiction: Smooching spreads germs?
Don't shy away from your sweetie's smooch just because one of you has a cold. It's actually pretty difficult to catch a cold from exchanging saliva — most viruses make their way into our body from the hands through the nose or eyes. The amount of the virus on someones lips or mouth is usually pretty low, and so is the risk — especially compared to the feel-good powers of a kiss.

So there you have it. Some factual and fictional answers to common cold questions. Again if you are the type of person like me that likes to prevent colds and the flu then check out a previous blog BEAT THE FLU

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

I have to disagree with this answer. Vitamin C in large doses 4 or more grams a day have proven to shorten clients being sick by half compared to others who don't take it. Unfortunately most people will only take or test on 1-2 grams of vitamin C.
“C” Doesn’t Stand for Cure
Fact or fiction: Vitamin C keeps colds away?
Most of us feel a cold coming on and immediately start stocking up on vitamin C. But it turns out that vitamin C has no proven effect on preventing a cold. And, it won't make you feel better or recover too much faster once you've caught the virus.
But that's no excuse to stop drinking your daily glass of orange juice — vitamin C still helps prevent immune system deficiencies and heart disease, and helps your skin look smooth.
Airplane Air Makes You Sick?

Many travelers blame cramped, chilly airplane cabins for the cold symptoms they bring back from vacation. Does the air inside of planes really carry more cold-causing germs than the air you breathe on the ground?

Fact or fiction: Airplane air makes you sick?
FICTION (mostly)
It is true that many people contract a cold after a flight — but that's not due to the re-circulated air you're breathing on the plane. The 50 percent of airplane air that is re-circulated passes through air filters that remove dust, vapors, bacteria and mold — most anything the virus could attach itself to.
The other 50 percent is fresh air, but because it is high-altitude air, it's extremely dry as it enters the cabin. Dry air can negatively affect the mucus system responsible for capturing and getting rid of viruses and bacteria.
If you do get sick after a flight, it's probably because travel involves exposure to a large number of people, from the security line to the waiting area to those way-too-small seats.
Milk Makes You Mucus-y?

It goes great with a couple of chocolate chip cookies or your favorite breakfast cereal. But can drinking milk while you're sick make your cold symptoms worse?
Check back tomorrow for the answer and more Fact or Fiction!
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

Fact or fiction: Stress makes you sick?
While stress may not be responsible for the cold virus itself, there is research that suggests those with higher prolonged stress levels are more likely to catch a cold.
One specific study found that people who were happy, lively, calm or positive were less likely to catch colds than more pessimistic people, and also reported fewer symptoms when they did get sick.

Lack of Sleep Courts a Cold?
Long hours at work coupled with late nights out with your friends can leave you feeling cranky and worn-down. But can lack of sleep cause you to catch a cold, too?

Sleep Bolsters Immunity
Fact or fiction: Lack of sleep courts a cold?
Sleep deprivation can contribute to how easily you catch a cold. In several studies, people who slept less (especially those who tossed and turned throughout the night or lay in bed for a long time trying to fall asleep) were two to three times more likely to catch a cold.
Vitamin C Keeps Colds Away?
For most of us, a tall glass of orange juice is a sick-day staple — we keep it on our bedside table right next to our box of tissues and sore-throat lozenges. But just how key is vitamin C when it comes to curing the common cold?

Check back tomorrow for the answer.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Health benefits of sex!

Why is sex and, er, solo sex, so good for you? These statistics are sure to get you in the mood
Sex statistics
1) Regular sex can decrease his risk of heart conditions by 45%. Good news for your bloke!
2) When women masturbate to orgasm, the pain tolerance threshold is believed to increase by 74.6% – the Big O’s a natural pain killer!
3) An active and fulfilling sex life can increase your lifespan by 50%.
4) Burn 7,500 calories a year by making love three times a week.
5) Cut your risk of stroke by up to 50% by making love several times a week.
6) 1-2 times a week is all it takes for sex to increase your production of the immune-strengthening antibody immunoglobulin by a third.
* Warning: Health benefits based on moderation. Excess excitement may have contraindications.
Find out the secrets of good sex and don't forget to check out Valentine's Day sex guide.

Source Women's Health and Fitness Australia

Have a Healthy and Successful Weekend!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

Coach Mask is going to have two question and answers today as a 2 for 1 Black Friday special! Exercise Cautiously with a Cold.
Today's answer to the question: Exercise exacerbates cold symptoms?
Fact or fiction:  
FICTION (mostly)
When it comes to deciding whether to exercise while you have a cold, there's only one hard and fast rule — let your body be the judge. Generally, if most of your symptoms are above the neck (nasal congestion, sneezing or a slight sore throat), exercise may actually help to open your nasal passages and relieve that stuffy, congested feeling. Just make sure to scale back the length and intensity of your workout — exercising too hard or for too long while you have a cold can actually slow down your recovery.
If you have below-the neck-symptoms (chest congestion, an upset stomach or a deep cough), it's probably best to put your workout routine on hold for a couple of days while you build your strength back up.
And once you've finally kicked that cold, get back on your workout schedule. Studies show that regular exercise boosts immunity.

Chicken Soup Soothes Cold Symptoms?
There's no disputing that a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup helps comfort you when you're in bed with a cold. But does it help your body physically fight the virus as well?
Fact or fiction: Chicken soup soothes cold symptoms?
That's right, your go-to sick-day comfort food actually helps you feel better. Inhaling the steam from a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup can help clear your stuffy nose, and the soup's broth can help keep you hydrated.
Researchers who studied several kinds of chicken noodle soup in a lab also found that the food has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it may actually help reduce some of those cold symptoms that make you feel icky, like coughs or congestion. Send me a message and I will send you my favorite chicken soup recipe!
Stress Makes You Sick?
You may have noticed that you start to feel cold symptoms after a particularly long week at work or after some other stressful event takes place. But is stress really to blame for your stuffy nose and scratchy throat?
Check back for my next post for the answer.
Have a Healthy and Successful Weekend!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

Hydrating is very important, but I also believe eating fresh raw fruits and vegetables will help speed up the recovery.

Liquid Health
Fact or fiction: Feed a cold, starve a fever?
The old adage, "feed a cold, starve a fever" is actually a myth. When you have a cold, it's not unusual to lose your appetite — and forcing yourself to eat (or denying yourself food if you're hungry) won't do much to help fight the virus. However, added energy can help your body recuperate, so if you're feeling up to it, eating light, healthy foods will help boost your energy.
The real key to recovering from a cold isn't what you eat, it's what you drink. Make sure to drink plenty of water — staying hydrated helps your body flush out the virus.

Exercise Exacerbates Cold Symptoms?
Daily exercise helps keep you feeling strong and healthy. But does pushing ahead with your workout routine help or hurt your body when it's fighting a cold?

Check back tomorrow to find out.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

I must say I get a little irritated when I see someone cough or sneeze and not cover their mouth with their arm. If you use your hand your just passing along the germs.

Here's the answer to yesterday's question. Fact or fiction: Wash hands to keep colds at bay?

Whenever someone coughs, sneezes or blows their nose, the virus jumps on to their hands and then spreads to whatever they touch. That makes it easier for you to pick up the virus with your hands, and then put it into your body when you touch your eyes or nose.
The best way to keep germs at bay? Make hand-washing a regular habit. Use warm water and soap, and scrub for about 20-30 seconds. Take special care to wash your hands — or use an alcohol-based sanitizer — after close contact with a group of people (like a business meeting), before a meal or after touching commonly-used items like elevator buttons or the office copy machine.

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever?

You've heard it before — feed a cold, starve a fever. Or was that, starve a cold, feed a fever? Which one is right — and how much does your diet really matter to your recovery?

Check back tomorrow for the answer.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

Here's the answer to yesterday's question. Being Cold Causes a Cold?
Answwer: FICTION

That heavy winter coat isn't offering you much protection from the common cold. While the cool, dry air makes it easier for the virus to circulate, you don't get sick from chilly weather.
Actually, the reason many people get colds during the fall and winter months is because the drop in temperature keeps more people indoors, where they're in closer contact for longer periods of time. This allows germs to jump more easily from person to person. Need help not getting sick? Click HERE

Hand Washing Staves Off the Sniffles?
From handshakes to your computer keyboard to the handrails on trains and buses, your hands are constantly exposed to germs circulating throughout the air. Can diligently washing your hands with soap and water offer some protection? Are clean hands crucial in the fight against the common cold?

Check back tomorrow for the answer!

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction

Over the next few days I will discuss the myth of the common cold. I have already posted about prevention in a previous blog and have posted some natural cough remedies to my facebook page Coach Mask now it's time to find out the facts or fictions of the common cold.

It's known as the common cold for a reason — the cold virus hits the average adult one to three times each year. It seems that no one is immune to the virus — or to the stuffy nose, cough or general aches and pains that come with it.
But how much do you really know about the common cold? Because colds are so prevalent, there's a lot of speculation about how you catch the virus, or what can improve or worsen its symptoms. Read on to find out what's fact and what's fiction when it comes to 11 common thoughts about the common cold.

Being Cold Causes a Cold?
Bundling up under coats, scarves, hats and gloves definitely makes us feel protected from winter weather. But does it really help us deflect germs?
Fact or fiction: Being cold causes colds?
Anser check back to get the answer and the next question.........


Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Beat the FLU without Vaccines.

Even when you know how to be healthy, this is the time of year when colds, flu and viruses have a better chance of taking you down.

So here’s your 12-step program for how to avoid getting sick and stay healthy and well.

Although it’s an essential part of the plan, knowing how to stay healthy and well isn’t just based on starting out with robust health. Aggressive pathogens run rampant all day long on any surfaces you touch.

And no matter how well you take care of yourself, you MAY still get infected.

But, with these how to avoid getting sick tips, you can greatly improve your odds of making it all the way through this flu-season unscathed. And if you do get sick, your symptoms won’t be as severe or as long-lasting. I haven't been sick in years and now you can have a fighting chance too!

Here are your flu fighting down-and-dirty-dozen tips for how to avoid getting sick, prevent colds and flu, be well and stay healthy all season long:

1. Stay away from sick people. Although germs are all around us, they’re naturally more concentrated in sick people. So avoid close contact at social gatherings or work with anyone who seems under-the-weather. And, if you must visit somebody in the hospital, sit in a doctor’s waiting room or care for a sick child, which are all germ factories, wear a mask.

2. Eat only super healthy food. How well you eat has a huge effect on whether or not your body has the resistance necessary to protect you from germ invasions. So make sure you’re eating healthy foods, like lean protein, whole grains and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Maintain germ-free hands. Since much of your contact with the world is through your hands, and bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces up to 8 hours, keeping your hands squeaky clean helps protect you from getting sick. Here’s a list of some of the main germ hideout sites:

MallsHandrailsShopping carts
MoneyDoorknobsGym equipment
SchoolsPlaygroundsPublic restrooms
LibrariesOffice phonesRestaurant Tables

And also be wary of cafeteria, restaurant and all group shared foods.

4. Keep hands off your face. One of the best ways for germs to get into your body is through your mouth, eyes and nose. So even if you’re vigilant about washing hands, get in the habit of not touching your face.

5. Avoid breathing toxic fumes. Inhaling airborne germs from people’s coughs and sneezes are infectious. But smoking, second-hand smoke and traffic fumes can destroy vitamin C and also weaken your defenses.

6. Take immunity supplements. Combined with a healthy diet, nutritional supplements definitely help you to stay well. Along with the basic daily nutrients, antioxidant supplements, like A, C, E and selenium, plus vitamin D, enzymes and probiotics can all help you avoid getting sick.

7. Drink plenty of clean water. Drinking water is essential to staying healthy. Add some lemon with natural vitamin C to help fight off foreign invaders and stevia extract to turn it into healthy lemonade.

8. Be sensible about exercise. Staying active helps reduce stress and improves your immune system. But if you feel like you might be getting sick, skip the workout. Your body needs rest and all your extra resources in order to fight off whatever germs you’ve been exposed to.

9. Always get plenty of sleep. Your immune system is very effective at defending you against foreign invaders, but your body needs downtime in order to restore itself. This is especially true if you’re fighting off an infection. So learn how get a good night's sleep – every night.

10. Don’t share food or utensils. Germs can easily find their way into party dips, finger food or any shared dishes or drinks. And be sure to use your dishwasher or hot soapy water to clean dishes at home.

11. Avoid drinking excess alcohol. According to research, alcohol weakens your immune system for up to 24 hours. So, especially if you feel you might be coming down with something, lay off the booze.

12. If you get sick, be pro-active. Drink plenty of liquids (like water with lemon, herb tea and plain broth), avoid congestive foods and overeating, get lots and lots of rest and take extra nutritional supplements.

And be smart about antibiotics. While they’re effective with bacterial infections, like pneumonia or sinusitis, most colds, sore throats and flues are caused by viruses, which are totally unresponsive to antibiotics.

Plus, needlessly taking antibiotics will only weaken your immune system.

While learning how to avoid getting sick, stay healthy and be well takes effort, it’s a vital part of knowing how to be healthy all year long.

To order all you immune boosting supplements click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Sick Free Winter!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds and Never Look Back

From Market America blog.

When involved in the weight loss industry, it is commonplace to work with individuals who have significant amounts of weight to lose: 30, 40 or 50 pounds. There are even some who target to lose over 100 pounds. However, there is another segment of the market with a different agenda – those struggling to drop five to 15 pounds. And this is the weight that, most often, is the most stubborn to lose.
When it comes to selling weight loss, this second group is as important as the first. The fact of the matter is that everyone in the first group – if they are progressing properly – will eventually become a member of the second group!
For those who find they are approaching their target weight, but are struggling with those last stubborn pounds, TLS Tonalin® CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is an excellent product. It can provide support not only for losing those last stubborn pounds, but also to help keep them off.*
TLS Tonalin CLA contains ingredients that can help distribute body fat to fat-burning muscle tissue, where it can be burned as fuel. Let the fat you want to lose fuel your workouts!*
This slight support, combined with exercise, can be enough to help you burn through those last 10 pounds, and target stubborn belly fat; precisely where this fat tends to linger. Like other TLS supplements, this product is a potential gateway to provide support in achieving their target weight.*
Primary Benefits of TLS Tonalin CLA:
  • Targets stubborn belly fat
  • Helps reduce overall body fat
  • Assists in promoting lean muscle mass
  • Helps reduce the percentage of body fat while preserving muscle tissue
  • Promotes the utilization of body fat as fuel
Today, take stock and let us know: how many people have you met who are in “The Last 10 Pounds” zone, and could benefit from TLS Tonalin CLA?
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Understanding Breast Cancer

Breast cancer symptoms confusion

Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts. There are numerous types of breast cancer, but cancer that begins in the milk ducts (ductal carcinoma) is the most common type.

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States.


Breast cancer most often begins with cells in the milk-producing ducts. Doctors call this type of breast cancer invasive ductal carcinoma. Breast cancer may also begin in the milk glands known as lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma) within the breast.

Researchers have identified things that can increase your risk of breast cancer. But it's not clear why some people who have no risk factors develop cancer, yet other people with risk factors never do. It's likely that breast cancer is caused by a complex interaction of your genetic makeup and your environment.

Inherited breast cancer
Doctors estimate that only 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are linked to gene mutations passed through generations of a family. A number of inherited defective genes that can increase the likelihood of breast cancer have been identified. The most common are breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2), both of which increase the risk of both breast and ovarian cancer.

If you have a strong family history of breast cancer or other cancers, blood tests may help identify defective BRCA or other genes that are being passed through your family. Consider asking your doctor for a referral to a genetic counselor, who can review your family health history. A genetic counselor can also discuss the benefits, risks and limitations of genetic testing with you. It's important to remember that the genetic tests help to identify a high-risk individual or family, but they don't definitively predict who will or will not get breast cancer.

Risk factor
A risk factor is anything that makes it more likely you'll get a particular disease. But having one or even several risk factors doesn't necessarily mean you'll develop cancer — many women who develop breast cancer have no known risk factors other than simply being women.

Factors that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer include:

Being female. Women are much more likely than men are to develop breast cancer.
Increasing age. Your risk of breast cancer increases as you age. Women older than 55 have a greater risk than do younger women.
A personal history of breast cancer. If you've had breast cancer in one breast, you have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast.
A family history of breast cancer. If you have a mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer, you have a greater chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Still, the majority of people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.
Inherited genes that increase cancer risk. Certain gene mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer can be passed from parents to children. The most common gene mutations are referred to as BRCA1 and BRCA2. These genes can greatly increase your risk of breast cancer and other cancers, but they don't make cancer inevitable.
Radiation exposure. If you received radiation treatments to your chest as a child or young adult, you're more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.
Obesity. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of breast cancer because fat tissue produces estrogen that may help fuel certain cancers.
Beginning your period at a younger age. Beginning your period before age 12 increases your risk of breast cancer.
Beginning menopause at an older age. If you began menopause after age 55, you're more likely to develop breast cancer.
Having your first child at an older age. Women who give birth to their first child after age 35 may have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy. Women who take hormone therapy medications that combine estrogen and progesterone to treat the signs and symptoms of menopause have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. Experts recommend no more than one alcoholic beverage a day for women.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:

A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue
Bloody discharge from the nipple
Change in the size or shape of a breast
Changes to the skin over the breast, such as dimpling
Inverted nipple
Peeling, scaling or flaking of the nipple or breast skin
Redness or pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange

When to see a doctor
Although the majority of breast changes don't turn out to be cancer, make an appointment to see your doctor if you find a lump or other change in your breast. Even if you've just had a mammogram with normal results, it's still important to have your doctor evaluate any changes.

Most women check for lumps
- but not other symptoms
Many women are confused about the signs of breast cancer, a survey suggests.
The charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer found a quarter of women polled thought wrongly that having a persistent cough was a sign of breast cancer.
Some 81% wrongly believed a mole on the breast could be a symptom, while a third incorrectly linked an extra nipple to the disease.
The charity is calling on GPs to help clear up the confusion and improve the number of cases that are caught early.
The survey of 1,190 women aged over 50 found 87% of respondents carry out regular checks for breas


Only 10% look for inversion of the nipple
Only 14% look for changes in the skin on the breasts
Only 16% check for discharge from the nipple
Only 22% look for changes in the appearance of the nipple
Only 23% looked for changes in the size or shape of the breast
Just over half looked for lumps in the armpit
However, knowledge of the full range of symptoms to look out for remains poor.
The survey also found that half of women aged 70 and over were unaware they can continue to get free breast screening by making their own appointments through their GP, or local breast screening unit.
The vast majority (88%) of women in this group reported that since turning 70 their GP or surgery had not talked to them about continuing to make their own breast screening appointments.
Breast cancer risk continues to increase the older a woman gets and breast screening can pick up cancer before it can be seen or felt by hand.

Awareness campaign
Jeremy Hughes, chief executive of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: "It's clear that despite breast cancer now being the most common cancer in the UK, women remain extremely confused about what they should be looking out for - with their focus still very much on feeling for breast lumps.
"At the same time there appears to be misunderstanding amongst women aged 70 and over about whether they should continue breast screening.
"We would like to see more GP surgeries making patients in this age group aware that they can, and should, make their own regular breast screening appointments
Breakthrough, which has launched a campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer, is offering GP surgeries a poster containing information for patients on how to check for the disease.
The awareness campaign is supported by a raft of celebrities, including actress Imelda Staunton, who said: "Get to know what your breasts look and feel like usually and go to your doctor if you find anything unusual or are worried.
"It is important to remember that the earlier breast cancer is detected and treated the better the chances of survival.
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stella is making a difference!

Wow! For all the people who struggle with their self image, this is a perfect example that it's not what's on the outside that makes a person beautiful. Now Stells is helping others with the same challenge she had and making a difference in people's lives! I hop many read Stella's story as there's so much to learn from it!
About Stella:

I struggled with body image my whole life. As a young teen, I was diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS makes it incredibly hard to lose weight, and spikes up your insulin levels which can lead to diabetes and other complications. I felt like I was just getting bigger and bigger and could do nothing to stop it. I was so awkward and uncomfortable with what I looked like that I began to self-medicate in the way most teenagers do, except it was to a scary excess. Finally, my parents intervened and when I was 15 I got the help I needed. The past 2 and a half years have essentially been a struggle to come to terms with who I am and live life in a constructive, not destructive manner.
A couple weeks ago, I started a blog, just as a way to get out my thoughts and feelings. I found the body acceptance movement online, and it was like my eyes were open for the first time. I realized that my size or weight is not something to be ashamed of, it is a part of me. Health and weight are not synonymous, and I know that to be healthy means to manage my sobriety and PCOS the best that I can. I may not ever be thin, but that's okay. It's all about progress, not perfection.
So I posted a picture of myself in my underwear with a message to all the people who'd ever bullied me about what I looked like. Amazingly, in less than a week, it got over 50,000 likes and reblogs. It's upwards of 80,000 now, and the response has been 90% positive, I would say.
Two friends of mine, Savanna and Lucy, are in the process of planning a documentary on sizeism and its effect on young girls. My dream is to go back to my middle school, where all my body image issues began, and work with young girls on the issues of self-esteem, body image, sizeism, and bullying. I want to give these girls something I never knew, which was that your body does not define who you are as a person. To people who judge people on their size, weight, pants size or health - shame on you. No one is the authority on beauty, and everyone has a different road to trudge to happy destiny.  
You can check out Stella's blog at this link:
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!


Relief of PMS Symptoms

There are natural PMS remedies that work wonders for PMS relief of symptoms – IF your endocrine hormonal system is working well.

This is because symptoms of PMS are often considered the result of raging hormones.

Your endocrine system controls your hormones, which affect how you feel – if your hormones are out of whack, you feel out of whack too!

The natural remedies for PMS relief (below) help balance your hormones. They combine all the best natural PMS remedies with a healthy PMS diet. Studies show that most women suffering from PMS symptoms
  • Have diets low in certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals,
  • Eat too many sweets and salty foods, causing fluid retention,
  • Drink too much alcohol and caffeine, altering mood and energy.
So using natural remedies for PMS relief only makes good sense.

The Main PMS Symptoms Reported by Women

Symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) begin a week or two before a woman’s period starts and tend to go away soon after bleeding begins.

While there are many different PMS symptoms and the symptoms of PMS can vary from woman to woman and even from month to month, here are the 10 most common symptoms of PMS that women experience:
  • Mood swings: Tension can create irritability, crying spells or anger. Little annoyances may seem huge and cause lashing out at others.
  • Feeling tired: Fatigue is one of the most common PMS symptoms.
  • Appetite shifts: Cravings for sweets and salty foods can lead to fluid retention and weight gain. But sometimes there's loss of appetite.
  • Tender breasts: Many have sore, swelling breasts or nipples.
  • Depression: PMS symptoms include anxiety and depression.
  • Poor concentration: Memory and focusing problems are common.
  • Abdominal upset: This can lead to constipation, diarrhea, swelling, bloating or puffiness in the stomach, hands and legs.
  • Acne flare-ups: Skin may break out just before a period begins.
  • Aches and pain: These common symptoms of PMS can take the form of joint or muscle pain, headaches and backaches.
  • Sleep problems: Some women experience trouble falling asleep.
But the natural remedies for PMS symptoms below can work miracles by greatly reducing and even eliminate the above symptoms of PMS.

The Best Natural Remedies for PMS Relief

Fortunately, studies show most women get natural PMS relief from symptoms with a hormone-balancing diet and healthy lifestyle. The following natural PMS remedies are both effective and inexpensive.
  • Eat healthy food. To greatly decrease your symptoms of PMS, eat a healthy low glycemic diet that includes plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and omega 3 fish. Avoid refined carbohydrates, red meat, bad fats, sweets and excess salt.
  • Drink more water. Increase your healthy water intake instead of drinking caffeine, alcohol, juice, sodas and other sweetened drinks. 

  • Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity releases natural feel-good endorphins into your brain. A half-hour of exercise a day can greatly reduce both physical and emotional PMS symptoms.
  • Reduce stress. Practice good time management, exercise, get a good nights sleep every night and use relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation and massage for stress management.
  • Be more positive. Studies show attitude affects your health and hormone balance. So surround yourself with positive people.

  • Take supplements. Certain nutritional health supplements have been shown to help balance hormones and decrease stress, depression and the symptoms of PMS. Take quality multi-supplements that include B-complex, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and the essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 fish oil.
  • And don't smoke. Smoking health risks affect your endocrine system and all other bodily function. If you smoke, quit!
So, if you or women you care about are suffering from PMS symptoms, start benefiting from these natural remedies for PMS relief right away!
(Source from Common Sense Health)

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vitamin Water - The Great Deception!

Back in 2008 the soft drink industry found a new fad to profit from. Today, people are catching on that these drinks actually do more harm than good.

In this video report from Mike Adams of NaturalNews you'll discover:
  • Why Vitamin Water is mostly just "sugar water."
  • Why the vitamins used in Vitamin Water are really just synthetic chemicals.
  • How Coca-Cola altered the serving size of the beverage, making the sugar content appear to be less than what it really is.
  • Why Vitamin Water advertising and marketing is misleading.
  • The shocking truth of how even Coca-Cola's own attorneys publicly admitted that Vitamin Water is not a "healthy beverage." (
  • Why one health group calls Vitamin Water "non-carbonated soda" and claim it contributes to weight gain, diabetes, obesity and other diseases.
  • What to drink that's far better for you than Vitamin Water.
  • Why the fruit flavor varieties of Vitamin Water contain no actual fruit.
  • The truth of how Vitamin Water uses the cheap synthetic form of Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin, which contains cyanide molecules.
  • Why Vitamin Water is dead, processed food that has been pasteurized.

When supplementing, use only supplements with the highest quality ingrediants and offer the best absorbtion. Don't waste your hard earned cash on products that simply do more harm than good.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weight Loss and Omega 3

Does fish oil help you lose weight and get healthier than you’ve ever been? Absolutely!

Studies on omega 3 fish oil and weight loss have added another great fish oil health benefit to a long and impressive list.

Research on fish oil for weight loss, fat burning and for depression while dieting show that those who get the most omega 3 fish oil with DHA
  • weigh less,
  • burn more fat,
  • have less obesity,
  • suffer less depression,
  • and have healthier hearts
than those people who get the least amount of fish oil while losing weight.

And now these benefits of fish oil for weight loss and dieting-depression can be added to all of the other extraordinary fish oil health benefits.

Fish Oil Weight Loss Research for Fat Burning

A study done at the University of Georgia found that fish oil with DHA helps to stop the conversion of pre-fat cells into fat cells by causing them to die. This process can help to decrease the accumulation of body fat.

And doesn't that sound like a fantasy dream come true?

You just send in some brave fish oil knights-in-armor to kill off all those big bad fat cells before they can set up a stronghold in your body castle.

And researchers at the University of South Australia found that taking fish oil capsules, when combined with moderate exercise, causes you to lose more weight than exercising without taking fish oil supplements.

Plus, the fish oil group had a far better improvement in their heart health.

Of the 75 overweight adults in the study (ages 25 to 65) those who received daily fish oil supplements had a 10% reduction in bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and a 14% decrease in unhealthy triglycerides.

And research done in Japan found that fish oil reduced weight gain in mice by boosting their fat metabolism, which would also be true for humans.

When two groups of obesity-prone mice were fed high fat diets, those that also received omega 3 fish oil supplements gained less weight and metabolized more fat than the group receiving no fish oil capsules.

"These findings suggest that an up-regulation of intestinal lipid metabolism is associated with the anti-obesity effect of fish oil," they concluded.

Fish Oil and Weight Loss Depression

Researchers have long understood that we need certain healthy good fats in order to keep our hormones in balance, so that WE feel balanced.

Nutritional scientists also understand that our intake of good essential fatty acids helps to keep our metabolism up and running at top speed.

Most dieters abandon their weight loss goals because of overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression – they just plain feel bad! And studies show that a major reason for "the blues" is lack of omega 3 DHA.

Research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found "depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 fatty acids"

This means a lack of fish oil fatty acids greatly contributes to depression.

University of Sheffield researchers in the UK, cut to the chase and summed it up, "Fish oil supplements with DHA alleviate anxiety and depression."

Still another research study found that, when omega 3 fish oil DHA was given to "depressed subjects, compared to subjects in a placebo group, there were highly significant benefits" in just three treatments.

So fish oil with DHA can work very fast to overcome a dieter's depression. And the more fish oil fatty acids people get, the better they feel.

Your Bottom Line for Fish Oil Weight Loss

High quality fish oil supplements offer you all the extraordinary omega 3 fish oil weight loss benefits, plus more, with just miniscule fat calories.

And that’s vitally important to you when every single calorie counts.

So check out my highest recommendation at the omega 3 fish oil web site, and start getting the many fish oil for weight loss health benefits ASAP.

From Common Sense Health

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bones getting brittle as you age?

As we age, we can experience a loss of bone mass as well as normal wear and tear on the joints. Small preventive measures can help to protect joints and keep bones strong - consider the following supplements and vitamins:
1. Calcium. People who don't get enough calcium may lose bone mass faster and fracture bones more easily. Taking magnesium (half as much as the amount of calcium) with supplemental calcium will help offset any constipating effects. I recommend women supplement with 500 to 700 mg of calcium in two divided doses taken in the Isotonic form. Start with one in the morning and one before bed. Aim for a total of 1,000-1,200 mg from all sources (including diet); most men do not need calcium supplements, but should instead get 500-600 mg per day solely through diet.

2. Vitamin D. Deficiency is widespread in the developed world, which is unfortunate - “D” facilitates the absorption of calcium, helping to support strong and healthy bones. It also promotes bone mineralization. Get regular sun exposure (about 20-30 minutes a day is adequate) and take 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day - look for supplements that provide D3 (cholecalciferol) rather than D2 (ergocalciferol).

3. Vitamin K. It helps activate certain proteins that are involved in the structuring of bone mass. Low intake of vitamin K has been linked to low bone density. You can get adequate amounts of vitamin K through a diet rich in leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, such as Swiss chard, kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Remember to supplement with only the highest quality supplements. Isotonix supplements have been the best I have found so far.

Have a Healthy and Successful day!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lung Health for All

Supplements for Healthy Lungs
The ability to breathe properly is fundamental to good health. Don't take the health of your respiratory system for granted, even if you are not a smoker - consider these supplements, which can help to promote lung health:

  1. Daily multivitamin. Look for products containing 15,000 IU of mixed carotenoids, including beta-carotene.
  2. Vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin can provide additional protection against the oxidative effects of air pollution and smoke.
  3. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This powerful antioxidant can improve the use of oxygen at the cellular level.
  4. Cordyceps and reishi mushrooms. These Chinese medicinal mushrooms may be useful in promoting optimal respiratory efficiency and protecting against chronic lung disease.
  5. B vitamins. Especially B6, may help protect against lung cancer by supporting immune function.
  6. Vitamin D. This fat-soluble hormone may help prevent the cellular changes that promote lung cancer.
  7. Aspirin. A daily aspirin may reduce the risk of colon cancer through its anti-inflammatory properties.
  8. Mullein. The flowers and leaves of this Mediterranean native can help relieve dry, bronchial coughs and help alleviate chest congestion.
  9. Zhu ling (Polyporus umbellatus). This mushroom may be particularly useful in protecting against lung cancer: Research suggests it may help stimulate the body's immune response against lung tumors.
By Dr Weil

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Food additives have become commonplace in our modern diet but do they really “add” any value to our food?

It might be common knowledge to you that most processed foods are not ideal for our health. These foods are often laden with artificial chemicals which can cause all sorts of havoc to our body. Typically these food additives are not easy to identify, as they are hidden under a variety of names and codes and usually in very small font.

To read more click HERE.

Have a healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hot Dogs Are as Bad

Yes we all love a good hot dog. Growing up it was a staple food at birthday parties and most summer gatherings. So, are hot dogs as bad as health experts say they are? You be the judge.

Hot dogs (and other meat that has been cured, such as bacon or salami) contain nitrates, which are added to the meat during the cooking process to prevent the growth of botulism and to help the hot dogs maintain a vibrant pinkish color (without the nitrates, the hot dogs would turn brown or gray — tantalizing, right?). Here’s the catch, though. In the human body, these nitrates form nitrosamines, which have been associated with various cancers.

 The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), based in Washington, D.C., put up a billboard suggesting hot dogs cause cancer near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway reading: “Hot Dogs Can Wreck Your Health.” This messaging appeared next to an image of hot dogs in a cigarette pack along with a link to, a website sponsored by PCRM.

“A hot dog a day could send you to an early grave,” says PCRM nutrition education director Susan Levin, M.S., R.D. “Processed meats like hot dogs can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and various types of cancer. Like cigarettes, hot dogs should come with a warning label that helps racing fans and other consumers understand the health risk.”
This statement from PCRM might be extreme but there is real evidence that hot dogs aren’t entirely healthy. Several studies have found that processed meats can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Many processed meats contain sodium nitrate and this has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that eating one hot dog a day raises the risk of colorectal cancer, on average, by 21 percent.

Now are the PCRM biased?

 In 2005, a study at the University of Hawaii linked consumption of processed meats to a 67 percent increase in the risk for pancreatic cancer. Yet another more recent study links eating too much processed meats to heart disease and diabetes. This study found that eating one serving a day of foods like bacon, hot dogs and salami was enough to greatly elevate your risk. Interestingly enough, the researchers did not find that eating unprocessed meat at the same rate led to nearly the same risk. What’s the difference in the meats that contain similar amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol? The processed meats had four times the amount of sodium and 50 percent more sodium nitrite.

Take this information and make a decision right for you. I think based on this information eating hot dogs on a regular basis is definitely a not a good idea. Next time you’re at the ballpark, take that $7 hot dog as a sign that cutting back may not be such a bad thing.  

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Allergy Season Is a Thing Of The Past

If you suffer from hay fever, allergies, itching or hives, but don't want the drowsiness or other side-effects of many over-the counter antihistamines, consider these top 10 tips.

  1. Pycnogenol is a natural anti-inflammatory as well as a natural anti-histamine. I have seen allergies subsided in people with severe allergies after taking 100mg of pycnogenol daily. For the most recommended pycnogenol on the market today click HERE.
  2. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that will help support the immune system. Take 1500mg daily with the pycnogenol for best results. Not sure what Vitamin C supplement to take? Click HERE for Coach Mask's brand of choice.
  3. Increase omega-3 fish oils. Fish oil helps to reduce the inflammation involved in allergic reactions. And studies show people who get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish like salmon, herring, sardines and albacore tuna are less likely to suffer from allergy symptoms. Don't like to eat fish, then click HERE.
  4. Decrease protein to 10 percent of daily caloric intake. Replace animal protein as much as possible with plant protein.
  5. Eliminate milk and milk products, substituting other calcium sources.
  6. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
  7. Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils, and all foods that might contain trans-fatty acids (such as deep-fried foods).
  8. Use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat.
  9. Always drink plenty of water to help keep your respiratory tract secretions more fluid. Drink fifty percent of your body weight in fluid ounces.
  10. Experiment with eliminating (sequentially, and one at a time) wheat, corn, soy and sugar for six to eight weeks to see if the frequency of attacks (or symptoms) decreases.
The results are remarkable! No more expensive OTC drugs! More importantly no more itching, coughing or running nose. Say good bye to those nasty allergies today! 

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is TLS The Solution

As a nutritionist and weight loss coach I believe that lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction are the three main components to a successful weight loss journey. Eating frequent small meals, more organic foods and avoiding sugars and processed foods are the perfect start to your journey. Eating a diet that is low glycemic will provide the body with a steady energy to perform at an optimal level.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. Exercises that help release frustration can prevent the buildup of stress. Remaining  positive while on your journey will help you stay on track with your weight loss, career, or personal goals.

TLS Weight Loss solution will help you with all three components. Stress reduction, new life skills, supplementation and incorporating low glycemic impact eating will support normal hormone function, improve your mood, increase your energy and help YOU achieve your weight loss goals.

Are you ready to become a new, healthier you? Are you ready for more energy and ready to take up less room? Results are guaranteed! So what are you "weighting" for? Let's get started today! Email me to get access to your free diet profile today!

Have a healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thinking of Getting Beach ready?

Ok it's mid April, the weather is warming up and the birds are chirping. With the cold behind us the winter jackets and sweaters are being put back into hibernation. The shorts, tank tops and bathing suits can be washed up and get ready for this years use. I have a question for you, is your body ready for that type of clothing? Now I want you to strip down (only if your at home!) and go to the mirror, go on do it now. I will wait for you.....

Your back! What's the verdict? Were you a little embarrassed by what you just saw? Were things a little flabby? You might of even ran to the scale hoping that the number wasn't as high as you thought it was! Girls did the mirror add a few extra pounds? Guys to be fooled as our mirrors to shed a few pounds when we use it!

Now take a deep breathe, inhale......exhale.......

Now that you are a little more motivated to becoming a healthier, energetic and more confident you, I will share with you a program that is guaranteed to work for YOU! It doesn't matter how you found me. All that matters is that you did. I recognize that you have probably have tried some of those trendy, over hyped "diet" programs in the past with some success but also much failure.

What I'm about to share with you over the next few weeks is not a "diet"; this is a total lifestyle approach to health and weight loss. We don't count calories or points and it's not about cutting out whole food groups or having crazy restrictions. This program is about changing the way you look and feel about food and yourself.

Other "diet" programs may help you in the short term, but are the crazy restrictions really the best way to lose fat permanently? Can you follow these "diets" for the rest of your life? I think we can both agree that these types of "diets" are not the answer you have been looking for. Maintaining  a healthy weight is about knowing what to eat, getting up and moving your mass and finally making a commitment to yourself that you do not want to be over weight and unhealthy!

This is exactly why we are different. Other "diet" programs use a generalized approach to what they think may work; we are about what will work for you! We are about education and implementation, not limitation. The only limits are those you put on yourself.

Over the next few weeks I will be giving you some tips on how to get started on this new journey. If you don't want to wait and would like to get started today or have questions on how to get started then send me a email with "get beach ready" in the title at

 I will send you a questionnaire and based on your answers we can decide if we will work together to get you BEACH READY!

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Allergy Season is Almost Here, Are You Ready?

If watery eyes and sneezing are surefire signals that spring has arrived, you're not alone. A survey commissioned by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson suggests as many as 10 million Canadians may suffer allergy symptoms and that more women than men admit to symptoms. The survey also found that 55 per cent of Canadians claim their allergies cut into their productivity and more than a quarter say they'll limit their outdoor time to prevent the onset of symptoms. An estimated 35 million American adults suffer from seasonal allergies, and for many the season that brings budding trees and blooming flowers can also bring the worst symptoms. And while you may already be armed with your drug of choice (Allegra and Claritin as an over-the-counter option), there are other measures to keep in mind to help you breathe easy. Read on for four additional ways to get the best of your springtime sniffles.

Isotonix OPC3- Isotonix OPC-3® is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine and pine bark extracts, and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be powerful antioxidants. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are bioflavonoids (complex organic plant compounds) found in fruits, vegetables and certain tree barks that provide exceptional nutritional benefits to the human body. Studies have shown OPCs to be up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol® in the world. Pycnogenol is a natural plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree and the most clinically researched and potent bioflavonoid. 

There are over 100 benefits of taking OPC3! It's a natural antihistamine, it combats free radicals, potent free radical scavenger, demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity, helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins and promotes sinus comfort too name a few.
It is by far the most effective product on the market for not only seasonal allergies but ALL allergies! Too get more information on OPC3 CLICK HERE.
 Workout Inside - If outdoor running, biking, walking, or any other activity is how you get your exercise, you might want to consider moving your activity indoors so you're exposed to fewer outdoor allergens throughout the day. Instead, try out a Zumba DVD, short-term gym membership or a yoga class. And if you really need to workout in fresh air, do so when pollen counts are not at their peak; check The Weather Network for up-to-date levels in your area code.

Food- First, what to avoid… One of the best strategies to alleviate those miserable symptoms is to steer clear of alcohol and other histamine containing foods. As far as alcohol goes, wine (both red and white) seem to be the worst instigators. Sulfites are part of the issue with these drinks, but histamines that result during the fermentation process also wreak havoc. If you have allergy issues, consider avoiding other foods subject to aging and fermentation like aged cheese, pickles, and sauerkraut. And as for yeast, it’s one more reason to ditch bread.

Research supports the particular benefits of fresh produce, fish and nuts for reducing both the symptoms of existing allergies as well as the development of allergies later in life. Another study with Greek children linked high intake of nuts, fruits and vegetables with a lower risk for respiratory allergy. The EPA and DHA in fish and fish oil has been shown to be among the best preventative options for allergic disorders. Tea, particularly green or white, offers a big flavonoid boost that reduces inflammation and supports general immune function. Buy local honey.  Because bees pick up the pollen of their environment, the resulting honey can offer something of a therapeutic dose for gradual desensitization – much like an allergy shot. It’s important to start small (1/4 teaspoon daily – max) and work your way up to gradually build tolerance.

Certain common foods may aggravate seasonal allergies, physicians say. Make sure you wash your food and you may want to cook or steam your veggies. A great solution to wash your food.

1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp baking soda
¾ cup of vinegar
10 drops of grapefruit seed extract

Switch your shower time - Wash your hair before you hit the hay — your luscious locks can collect pollen and other allergens throughout the day. Showering in the evening rather than the morning means you're exposed to fewer irritants while you sleep. 

Now going out in the warmer weather just may be more enjoyable this year.

Have a Healthy and Successful Allergy Free Day!