Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget - 12 Tips

Eating healthy on a budget doesn't have to be difficult. Actually, learning how to eat healthy on a budget can be fun and rewarding.

Just use the 12 tips below to keep both your finances and your eating healthy on a budget.

Here are your cheaper by the dozen tips for healthy eating on a budget:

1. Plan your menu ahead. Impulsive buying and eating can cost extra money, calories and your health. Make a weekly menu and shopping list that includes good seasonal and shopping deals. And never ever shop on an empty stomach!

2. Buy unprocessed foods. Most processed packaged foods are higher in fat and sodium and cost more than whole foods. So shop mainly on the outer perimeter of the store and spend the bulk of your money on fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy and whole grains.

3. Compare frozen prices. Frozen produce is often less expensive than fresh. Plus it's picked at the height of ripeness, flash frozen to retain nutrition and flavor and can stay frozen until ready to use.

4. Be selective with protein. The costliest part of your food budget tends to be protein. Since beans and whole grains, like brown rice, combine to make balanced, less expensive protein, use them in dishes to fill in the cracks when you can cut down on costly animal protein.

5. Look for things on sale. Stores often have coupons or foods on special. But make sure it's something you can use, store or freeze.

6. Start a health food co-op. You can usually get great prices with a well organized food co-op. Just find some like-minded people, a good place for delivery (like a church or business), a health food store distributor and someone willing to be in charge (for an extra discount).

7. Buy more foods in bulk. Whenever feasible, buy enough to get case or bulk discounts. Just make sure you store all foods safely.

8. Pack your own snacks. Nothing ruins your health and budget faster than a hunger-attack when you're out and about. Always carry snacks, like sliced veggies, whole grain crackers or cheese and an apple.

9. Dine at home more often. Home cooking is not just healthier, it’s also cheaper. When you're too busy, buy a rotisserie chicken and add side dishes. If you do eat out, downsize to a healthy "kid’s meal".

10. Cook double, freeze half. Prepare food in large batches and freeze meal-size portions for when you're too busy to cook.

11. Grow your own organics. Instead of other landscaping, plant apple trees and blueberry bushes. During the growing season, save money with a "victory" garden. And grow fresh sprouts indoors all year long.

12. Choose quality or quantity. Many studies show that a healthy quality food satisfies your hunger and is best for your health. So eating more of quality foods is one of the most important tips for eating healthy on a budget. Eating processed or refined foods usually makes you feel hungry more often which leads to over eating.

Now you know these cheaper-by-the-dozen ways to how to eat healthy on a budget, it's time to make eating healthy your financially sound business!

Have a Healthy and Successful Budget Day

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vitamin C provides beautiful skin, enhanced immunity & cancer prevention

(NaturalNews) Vitamin C is one of the most well known, cost effective and universally beneficial antioxidants that we know of today. This vitamin topically and internally encourages beautiful skin, helps boost the immune system, and aids in the prevention of several types of cancer.

Vitamin C and skin health

Vitamin C is a key component of collagen and elastin synthesis in our bodies. Collagen and elastin are proteins that make up our skin, muscles and other connective tissue.

Collagen essentially creates a "foundation" for our skin. When it begins to deteriorate with age, we start to see the sagging and wrinkles that are customary signs of aging.

Collagen and elastin are the two main reasons our skin remains smooth and resilient in our youth. Elasticity provides the ability to "bounce back" after repeated movements. Years of facial expressions, exposure to excessive UV light and other damaging dietary or environmental factors really start to show when this elasticity is compromised.

Boosting vitamin C intake can help you regain some of the lost collagen and elastin by encouraging the body to produce more. Since vitamin C is also a very important antioxidant, it helps the body to eliminate the free radicals, which compromise healthy skin cells.

In addition to its internal benefits vitamin C is also useful in external applications. It helps reduce age spots and darker pigmentation from sun exposure. It also helps to provide better skin tone and color.

This is due to its mild exfoliating capabilities, which help rid the skin of dead skin cells to reveal a fresher layer of healthy skin cells. It also helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin C and immunity

Aside from its skin health benefits vitamin C also enhances immune function. It has been shown to stimulate the production and enhance the function of white blood cells.

White blood cells are essentially our front line defense against infection and they protect us from bacterial and viral invaders. Vitamin C has also demonstrated protective qualities over white blood cells which may lengthen their life span.

Vitamin C and cancer prevention

Numerous studies have linked higher vitamin C intake to a lower occurrence of several types of cancer. In mice, these studies have shown that the vitamin can inhibit or slow the growth of cancerous tumors. These include cancer of the lung, stomach, mouth, throat, and breast.

These studies primarily point to a benefit in eating fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in numerous vitamins and minerals as well as vitamin C. Eating the whole food offers the greatest benefit since the vitamins and minerals complement one another and enhance overall absorption.

It is important that we replenish this vitamin every day. This vitamin is flushed out of the system daily by our natural bodily functions. Since the human body is not capable of synthesizing this vitamin on its own, it is replenished solely through diet and supplementation.

Preferably it is received via the diet as this is the most complete way to get your daily dose. Some great ways to include this in your diet include adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water, consuming citrus fruits and eating a variety of raw or minimally cooked fruits and vegetables.

However, you may also take a supplement. Since vitamin C is water soluble, it does not build to toxic levels in the body. Vitamin C also has the unique capability to "recycle" other antioxidants like vitamin e. This adds even more value to daily supplementation. But remember to supplement with only high quality vitamin C. For more information on choosing the right supplements click HERE.

Looking for a high quality vitamin C? Click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Vitamin C Filled Day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Lie: Fat Free Foods Help with Weight Loss

Let’s expose this myth

If you buy only food products marked as fat free, will you lose weight?

The answer is: NO!

The reason is that these products, which are being marketed to the dieting crowd, are not made of miracles.

They contain ingredients that have no nutritional value and are unhealthy compared to the “real” products that have been on the market for years.

You want to eat foods that taste good, right? If you feel you will lose weight eating fat free foods and they still taste good, are you concerned on what is in it? Well, you should be. There are chemicals taking the place of natural ingredients that could, and probably will, have long term effects on your body.

This becomes dangerous because it means that people do not read the labels nor pay attention to what is in the products, allowing the manufacture to put in whatever they want: large amounts of preservatives, sugar substitutes, salt, fats, etc…

I strongly advise that you stay away from the ‘fat free’ labeled foods, and eat the natural versions.

The body knows how to breakdown natural foods through the digestive system.

The fat free foods have artificial ingredients, preservatives and chemicals. The body receives no benefits from these additives. Worse yet, it doesn’t know how to process them.

People who drink or eat diet or fat free products also tend to over eat because they think these foods are not going to count towards their daily intake. This is dangerous. You are still eating the same amount of foods – it does not mean you can overindulge yourself with these “lower fat” versions.

Most of the time this will actually cause people to gain weight!

These foods are just as filling and fattening, and even more so if you believe you can eat twice as much without having any repercussions with your weight or metabolism.

Our recommendations to you would be: Stay away from the fat free products; eat what your body can process effectively. Rarely will you lose weight, and most of the fat free foods contain dangerous preservatives.

Stick with as many fresh, organic fruits and vegetables as possible, they are the best fat free foods you will find.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Healthy High Protein High Fiber Diet Plan

Remember this, fiber and protein with every meal, makes losing weight no big deal!

This healthy high fiber high protein diet plan is the best way for you to lose weight, keep it off and be healthier than ever.

And you can stay on the high protein high fiber diet for the rest of your life – IF you make healthy high fiber protein choices.

Why do you need both high protein and high fiber on a healthy diet plan?

Good muscle mass is essential to healthy fat loss, weight loss and weight maintenance. And if you're looking to lose weight, in order to maintain or build muscle you need to get plenty of high quality protein. On a healthy high protein fiber diet plan it's vitally important to eat only healthy fats. Besides the nutritional reasons, all fat is high in calories.

 And high fiber helps you to feel full, reduces hunger pangs and decreases your risk of constipation, heart disease, diverticulitis and diabetes.

The High Protein High Fiber Diet Plan

To eat a healthy high fiber high protein diet with successful results, you need to pay special attention to what comes along with your protein.

For example, a 6-oz serving of beefsteak with 38 grams of protein can also have 45 grams of unhealthy fat. Whereas a 6-oz serving of omega 3 salmon has 34 grams of protein along with 18 grams of healthy fat.

And one cup of lentils with 18 grams of protein has next to no fat at all.

Here's the recommended MINIMUM daily intake of protein in grams.

WOMEN18-24 years 43-46 grams

25-50 years44-50 grams

50 + years47-50 grams
PregnantAny age56-67 grams
LactatingAny age56-65 grams

MEN18-24 years56-59 grams

25-50 years56-63 grams

51 + years54-63 grams
Based on US, Canada, UK and Institute of Medicine recommendations.

To calculate for healthy HIGH protein intake, divide your ideal weight in half. That number is your high protein grams. So a woman with an ideal weight of 140-lbs could shoot for around 70 grams of protein a day.

But can't you get too much protein?

Current studies show that high protein diets that include mainly healthy fats and plenty of high fiber foods produce healthy results. The exceptions are diabetics and people with kidney disease who need less protein.

The best animal protein foods are fatty fish, low-fat dairy and lean poultry. But plant protein, from beans, nuts and whole grains are also excellent and come packaged with vitamins, minerals and healthy high fiber.

Here are daily fiber recommendations for a HIGH fiber protein diet.

Ages 18-50 YearsAges 50 + Years
WOMEN30-35 grams25-35 grams
MEN35-40 grams30-40 grams

On a healthy high protein fiber diet plan it's vitally important to eat only healthy fats. Besides the nutritional reasons, all fat is high in calories.

When incorporating protein and fiber into your diet, we are looking for quality protein and fiber. If your looking for a menu plan to help you lose unwanted fat, contact me about my TLS Weight Loss Solutions program. I focus on diet, new life skills and body composition to give the perfect customizable program for anyone.

Get started today!

Have a Healthy and Successful Protein & Fiber Filled Day!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux? How to kick an over acid diet.

By Ruth Sackman
Have you ever been diagnosed with Heartburn or Acid-Reflux? Both of these problems can be result of an over-acidic diet. One of our major nutritional goals for optimum health is maintaining a proper acid/alkaline balance. It is important that our diet is slightly more alkaline-forming than acid as this is the environment which is most conducive to health and the body's natural repair process. We are talking about the acid or alkaline ash that remains in the body after metabolism, not the actual content of the food. For example, lemon is an acid-containing food, but it leaves an alkaline residue. In fact, an excellent way to combat acidosis would be to drink water with fresh lemon juice. The body always strive to maintain a proper acid/alkaline balance, though the more we help it along by eating the right balance of foods, the less wear and tear on the system. If an acid condition persists, however, the body will draw minerals from other areas to try to neutralize the situation. For instance, calcium, an alkaline-forming mineral, may be released from bones. This is a short-term solution which, over time, can lead to osteoporosis. Chronic over-acidity removes oxygen from the blood and can result in lowered immunity and premature aging, kidney stone formation, muscle loss, back pain, gout and other joint diseases. Chronic degenerative conditions, like cancer, tend to develop in an over acid environment. Over acidity also can produce that tired, headachy, fuzzy-headed feeling many people get, especially after eating. There is a simple method for measuring pH (the symbol used as a measurement for acidity/alkalinity) in the urine. One can buy nitrazine or litmus paper in most drug stores. A half-inch or so of tape is dropped into a small amount of urine collected in a container. The tape turns to a color that is compared to a special chart on the package which corresponds to the acid/alkaline numbers - a pH of 7 is considered neutral; lower than 7 is acid, above is alkaline. A single urine test cannot give the total picture. The test ought to be repeated in early morning and several times during the day, and over more than one day, to establish a pattern. The numbers should not be consistently extreme on the acid side (called acidosis), or on the alkaline side (alkalosis). Either extreme is out of the normal healthy range. The ideal is a slightly alkaline pH reading of 7.365 - 7.45, but within the range of 6.0 - 7.5 is considered a healthy place to be. The typical American diet is acidogenic, consisting of foods that have an acidifying effect on the body - too much meat, processed foods, refined sugars, chemical additives, caffeine, alcohol, as well as most prescription drugs, etc. A plant-based diet of whole, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains, etc., will naturally have a more alkalinizing effect. It should also be noted that chronic low-grade stress, so common in today's busy, fast-paced world - is acid forming. The antidote would be to try to acknowledge and manage stress, and to incorporate activities like meditation, yoga which help relax and rebalance the system. Clinicians have determined that a proper balance for regaining health is best achieved by eating about 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming. For maintaining health, usually 60% alkaline and 40% acid is adequate. Some practitioners suggest the following formula for every 10 foods eaten: 6 should be vegetables, 2 fruits, 1 protein, 1 starch and whole, organic grains. I have added another ingredient - fermented food, such as yogurt or naturally fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut or kim chi. Fermented food provides the beneficial intestinal flora that is a natural need of the colon. One of the basic principles that doctors have discovered from long clinical experience and study is that healing is essentially the process of the body ridding itself of toxic materials. When at rest or asleep, the body focuses its energy on attempting to repair any biological dysfunctions, as well as "housekeeping" to release stored toxins from cells into the bloodstream for elimination. Therefore, the most toxic time is in the morning. While most people have been told repeatedly that a substantial breakfast is the best way to start the day, in many European health clinics the very opposite is the practice. They begin the early morning mostly with fruits which serve as cleansers, followed by other foods on the alkaline side because this is one of the best ways to neutralize over-acidity from accumulated toxins and to stimulate the muscular activity of the intestines to eliminate wastes. After the period of morning toxicity is relieved, one can then start on the day's normal food intake. People have asked me why it is that primitive man survived without a clue about his pH or what percentage of his foods should be acid or alkaline? Ah, life was simpler then! There were no fast food outlets or refined foods. There were fewer choices, so people naturally ate a more unadulterated plant-based diet. Today, we have a lot more food options, but it's still relatively simple to eat well: just stick to a wide variety of whole, unprocessed foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains) with small amounts of flesh foods, a daily dose of fermented. Avoid processed/junk foods, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, soda pop, routine use of pharmaceuticals, etc. Check your pH periodically and adjust your food intake to average in the alkaline zone. Find ways to diffuse chronic stress. Source: (Note: Experts often disagree about the pH of some foods, based on different testing methods or interpretations. What's important to remember is that the human body is an amazing survival machine and Mother Nature gives us a lot of leeway. She would like us to aim high, but perfection is not necessary or even attainable. This chart gives sufficient general guidelines to help you make wise choices.)
Acid/Alkaline Food Chart

Acid/Alkaline Food Chart

Alkaline Foods
Acid Foods
Alkaline Vegetables
Lambs Lettuce
Red Cabbage
Green Beans
Grasses (wheat, straw, barley, dog, kamut etc.)
Brussels Sprouts
Watermelon (is neutral)
Other Seafood (apart from occasional oily fish such as salmon)
Dairy Products
Ice Cream
'Green Drinks'
Fresh vegetable juice
Pure water (spring, distilled or ionised)
Lemon water (pure water + fresh lemon or lime).
Herbal Tea
Vegetable broth
Almond Milk
White Pasta
White Bread
Wholemeal Bread
Soy Sauce
Condiments (Tomato Sauce, Mayonnaise etc.)
Artificial Sweeteners
Fizzy Drinks
Fruit Juice
Dairy Smoothies
Traditional Tea
Seeds, Nuts & Grains
Buckwheat Groats
Cumin Seeds
Any sprouted seed
Convenience Foods
Microwave Meals
Tinned Foods
Powdered Soups
Instant Meals
Fast Food
Fats & Oils
Saturated Fats
Hydrogenated Oils
Margarine (worse than Butter)
Corn Oil
Vegetable Oil
Sunflower Oil

Now we know how hard it is to get enough alkalizing foods into our diet. If you struggle with getting enough alkalizing foods click HERE.

If you have damage done from your heartburn or acid reflux and want to speed up the healing process, drink two to four ounces of aloe juice daily for two to four weeks and it will literally heal any damage that has been done! Make sure it is a high quality aloe juice as most on the market today do not carry a International Aloe Science Council seal, which certifies that the product has been tested for aloe content. For an aloe juice that is certified click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Alkalizing Day!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fish Oil for Depression?

Dr. Weil
Fish oil is a rich source of the two essential omega-3 fatty acids - EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Omega 3s are found in beef, eggs and poultry, but are most abundant in the fat of cold water, oily fish and are also available in supplement form. The body requires adequate amounts of both EPA and DHA to maintain optimum health. For that reason, I recommend eating oily fleshed, wild caught, cold water fish two to three times per week. Most people don't do that and as a result, don't get enough omega-3s, making this perhaps the most serious dietary deficiency in our population.
A great deal of scientific data links low tissue levels of EPA and DHA to a host of mental/emotional disorders, including depression, violent behavior, suicide, and learning disabilities. Dietary supplementation with these fats, usually in the form of fish oil, has proved to be an effective, natural and nontoxic therapy for bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder and other health concerns. It also helps prevent depression and improve overall emotional well-being. Very high doses of fish oil - 20 grams a day or more - have been used as treatments without any ill effects. In fact, there is no downside to adding good quality fish oil to your diet (except for the sustainability of ocean resources, a significant concern).

Because omega-3 deficiency is so common and raising tissue levels of omega-3s has so many health benefits, I recommend that everyone take two to four grams a day of a product that provides both EPA and DHA (more of the former). Read labels carefully to make sure you're getting two to four grams of total omega-3 fatty acids (EPA+DHA), not of oil. Pass up products that include omega-6 or omega-9 fatty acids; you don't need to supplement with them. Buy only brands of fish oil that are "molecularly distilled" or otherwise guaranteed to be free of toxic contaminants. You may have to take three or four capsules twice a day to get the recommended dose. Take them on a full stomach. If you get fish-flavored burps, try keeping the product in the freezer and swallowing frozen capsules. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this simple measure to improve emotional well-being. Not only does it offer real protection against depression, I believe it can help move your emotional set point away from sadness and toward contentment.

Remember that when choosing a fish oil supplement, it must be of the highest quality. Many on the market that a farmed raised contain lead and mercury. Want to test your existing supplement? Stick the fish oil in the fridge for a couple of hours and if it freezes the quality probably isn't there.

For a very high quality fish oil click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Fish Oil Day!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

11 Super Foods To Make Sex A Pleasant Experience

Are you enjoying your intimate relations with your boyfriend or girlfriend? If not, then there might be something you can do to boost your interest in sex. What’s that, you ask? Your diet! That’s right, you may not be consuming the “Super foods” that support sexual desire and increase sexual pleasure. Super foods can provide your body with enough energy to enjoy a whole night full of fun.

However, if you are suffering from hormone deficiency, then bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is still your best option. Here are some foods that have been proven to increase your libido and, in the long run, can help you build a better relationship with your partner.

Celery Stimulates Sex Drive

This is not the top food for making sex a pleasant experience, but it improves upon sex drive to a great extent. When a male perspires, androsterone, a component present in celery, is released. It helps in attracting a woman toward a man. Eat celery in raw form for the best results.

1- Raw Oysters – A Testosterone Boosting Food

Oysters are rich source of zinc that helps in boosting low testosterone levels and increases the sperm count. Dopamine hormone that enhances sex drive is also present in oysters. This should be eaten by both partners during foreplay. It is erotic to shuck raw oysters and it puts both partners in good mood. Squeeze lemon over open pieces of cleaned oyster and then shuck away.

2- Banana – Reverses The Impotence

Bananas contain potassium along with Vitamin B that gives a boost to the energy levels. Bromelain enzyme, present in bananas, enhances libido and makes sex, a pleasant experience, for both partners.

Avocado – Protein Boosts Energy Level

Avocado is also known as the testicle tree since it looks like the male’s organ. Folic acid, vitamin B6, and potassium help to improve sex drive in both men and women. Ask your lady to lick it after you scoop out half of it with your fingers.

3- Almonds – Rich In Fatty Acids

Almonds provide the base for increased production of a man’s hormones. Its smell makes women passionate about sex. Candles with almond scent and snacks carrying almonds are all good for making the mood. You can eat raw almonds or use them in a salad in crushed form for desired results.

4- Fruits – Best For Foreplay

Fruits like strawberries, mangoes, and peaches are effective when used during foreplay. Their shapes, their taste, and their nutrition help in arousing men and women getting them ready for sex. Pour fruit juices over each other’s body and then lick to have great pleasure as well as fun. Feed your woman with slices of all these fruits, while she is busy with oral sex. It might be an erotic game for both of you, and no doubt, an unforgettable experience.

5- Eggs – Lower Stress And Raise Hormonal Level

Eggs are rich in vitamins B5 and B6. They help in enhancing libido by lowering stress levels and releasing a high level of hormones by the concerned glands. Eggs are also eaten in raw form to boost the energy levels and to improve fertility. Hard-boiled eggs are good when swallowed during foreplay.

6- Liver – Strengthens Immunity

However, it is not a good food for sex, but it strengthens the immune system and it helps your physical relations with your woman. Eat fried liver with spices, onion, and olive oil to get the best taste out of it along with nutrition.

7- Figs – Best to boost libido

Figs are a great source of amino acids and help to enhance stamina. Figs, if eaten fresh and juicy, have a pleasant effect on a person. Feed your lady with fresh figs and the juices will make both of you wild.

8- Garlic – Taste May Be Bad, But Libido increases

You can use some breath mints to get rid of the garlic smell. Allicin, present in garlic improves blood flow toward your organs. If you do not want raw garlic, both of you can take garlic capsules to enrich your body with the libido-boosting agent.

9- Chocolate – The Secret Of Pleasurable Sex

Chocolate has always been the best ingredient to make sex pleasurable. It contains theobromine and phenylethyleamine, both help to make feelings stronger. There are antioxidants present in dark chocolate to strengthen the immune system. Chocolate will always make your sex experience memorable.

Fill your home with all the good supplements and foods that are libido-boosters and you will never feel ashamed due to poor sex drive or due to low interest in frequent sex. Your enjoyable sexual relations with your partner can be a good source of enhanced performance in routine life activities. Try the above-mentioned foods before and during sex; you will get the best results.

Have a Healthy and Successful Super Food Day!

Shared by Aimee Sparker

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to accelerate fat loss

(NaturalNews) The article titled "Principles to Accelerate Fat Loss," elucidated the fact that body fat is much more than a benign depot for the storage of excess calories. Rather, it is a highly regulated, dispersed organ that when in excess, decreases quality of life and increases the risk of death from virtually all causes. This article will expand upon the discussion of fat regulation and will suggest ways to shift this regulation to favor fat loss.

As stated in the article mentioned above, fat loss requires four steps:

1.Lipolysis: Triglyceride (storage form of fat) breakdown and release.
2.Partitioning of fatty acids into the muscles in favor of the fat.
3.Fatty acid oxidation (fat burning). The technical term is beta-oxidation.
4.Increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), the hormone that controls step 1, is regulated by various hormones, which are in turn stimulated by fasting, intense exercise, and stress. As blood sugar decreases during the fast, glucagon rises and insulin falls, which is the signal to switch over to predominantly fat burning. The logical approach then, is to train hard - short bursts of resistance/weight training - on an empty stomach. What is more, fasting stimulates growth hormone secretion and IGF-1 receptors, which help to preserve muscle mass.

Another approach to stimulate this process is to intermittent fast. For a more complete discussion of intermittent fasting, see the articles:

All that will be said about stress is that chronic stress will impede fat loss; whereas, short, controlled episodes of stress will accelerate weight loss and muscle gain.

Step 2 is regulated mainly by the balance between insulin and glucagon (which is determined by blood sugar levels) as well as by sex hormones. The balance of these forces will determine where the fat - that is released from fat cells - will go. Dietary interventions that control blood sugar and favor the flow of fat into muscles and away from fat cells include:

-High protein diet
-Low blood sugar
-Restricting carbohydrate-laden foods to no more than one meal per day

Step 3 is regulated by the same factors as in steps 1 and 2. Alcohol is particularly harmful to fat loss because ethanol stops fat burning and increases fat making.

There are many ways to increase BMR or step 4. Some are dangerous (drugs) and some are more practical. One practical way is through the exposure to cold temperatures. Exposure to cold temperatures increases energy expenditure in order to generate heat. These thermogenic effects are mediated by uncoupling proteins, which are found in the inner mitochondrial membrane, and are stimulated by even brief exposure to coldness.

Testosterone increases BMR too, which is a reason why as men (and women) get older, putting on weight becomes much easier than losing it. Testosterone also increases protein synthesis and so keeping testosterone levels elevated during fat loss is vital to prevent muscle and bone wasting. Intense exercise, high protein diets, and increasing fat intake - specifically saturated and mono-unsaturated - are some interventions that will help support healthy testosterone levels. As body fat decreases, so will the activity of an enzyme called aromatase - which converts DHT, the biologically active form of testosterone, to estrogen - and fat loss will get easier.

The organ that controls BMR is the thyroid gland, and so if fat loss is unsuccessful despite all efforts, a full panel thyroid test is an order to determine if one is clinically hypo-thyroid. Increasing thyroid hormone almost always decreases body weight just as decreasing thyroid hormone almost always increases it.

Have a Healthy and Successful Fat Loss Day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

All Supplements are Not Created Equal

The facts you need to know before you waste your money

When choosing a supplement to enhance your health, it can be very confusing and extremely overwhelming. Approximately 75% of the world takes some type of supplementation each day. With millions of products and thousands of brands to choose from, no wonder people get discouraged.

Eating a balanced diet is the best way to receive vitamins and minerals; however it is nearly impossible to maintain a complete nutrient rich diet. Modern farming has reduced the nutrient density of the foods found in our supermarkets today through mass production, high levels of food processing and the use of dangerous pesticides and growth hormones.

So how do you go about ensuring you get enough daily vitamins and minerals?

The purpose of this article is to look at several important factors when choosing a supplement.

The facts you need to know before choosing a supplement.

#1 Not all vitamins and dietary supplements are created equal.

There are three different grades of raw materials used to produce supplements:

-Pharmaceutical Grade – meets pharmaceutical standards

-Food Grade - meets standards set for human consumption

-Feed Grade – meets standards set for animal consumption

The difference between each grade type is one of quality and purity. No substance is 100% pure; there are always various added substances. Each grade varies on how much of these substances are present in each product. There are several criteria by which pharmaceutical grade are judged. The product must be in excess of 99% purity with no binders, excipients, fillers, dyes or unknown substances. Therefore, making pharmaceutical grade the obvious choice.

You should not settle for anything less than pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements. This will assure you that you are getting your money’s worth.

#2 Are you receiving proper absorption?

There are many forms that supplements take to transfer nutrients into your cells. As we age our enzyme bank depletes. It becomes more difficult for our bodies to breakdown the food and nutrients so we can properly absorb them. The delivery system is vital to be able to receive the benefits and enhance your health. Nutritional supplements can be purchased in tablets, liquids, powders and capsules.

Tablets are usually hard and consist of binders, fillers and coatings to maintain their shape. Binders and fillers can be invasive to the body, causing nausea or stomach upset. Coatings can prevent the tablet from dissolving and efficient absorption. Very few companies have been able to manufacture a tablet that gives proper benefits. You may have heard the stories of tablets found in sewers still fully intact. Obviously no absorption took place.

Capsules are more bioavailable. Bioavailability is the degree to which a nutrient is available to the body for use. Capsules will breakdown easier than tablets but that doesn’t say they are free of fillers. Capsules use fillers to make the capsule look full and act as a non-caking agent.

Liquids are easier to absorb but may require heavier dosing to achieve results. They can be cumbersome when traveling and often have an unpleasant taste if not disguised with a sweetener. Some sweeteners are harmful while others are perfectly acceptable.

Powders are easily absorbed and are bio available. Powders are mixed with water to make them easy to consume and palatable. When properly mixed they become isotonic or the “same pressure” as your blood and saliva. This allows the product to bypass the stomach and go directly to the small intestine where absorption takes place. You receive a higher degree of absorption which gives greater benefits. Making this a good choice.

Absorption is the direct result of an effective and beneficial delivery system.

When looking on the supplement bottle, you will see the dose of each nutrient contained. This number may be correct, but the amount that is actually being absorbed is an entirely different story.

For example; you look and see that your products contains 1000 mg of calcium. That’s great, but if that products literally travels through your body and ends up in the toilet without breaking down. How much of that 1000 mg did you actually receive?

The end result comes directly on how well and how much your body is absorbing.

#3 Expiration dates

Check the expiration date. Do not buy nutritional supplements that are expired or that may expire before you finish them.

The concern is that the product may be less effective or the dosage may vary.

Vitamin manufactures will increase their vitamins slightly to cover the time period that it may be kept on the shelf. A quality manufacture will be sure their vitamins are approximately at the listed strength at the time of expiration. Most products are safe for up to 1 year after expiration; they will start to age and break down over time.

#4 Fancy advertising

Companies will spend thousands of dollars on fancy ad campaigns and catchy slogans to convince, entice and lure the general public into buying their products. These are usually ploys used when their products are not high in quality or they lack results.

Our goal is to help educate you with information so you feel qualified to make an informed decision and not be swayed by gimmicks.

Look for testimonials and proof of results.

#5 Does Price Matter?

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

You get what you pay for.

Are you wasting your money? Here is another example; you find a supplement that you want to take, a sixty day supply for $20. You feel you have found a great deal. However it does not breakdown, it is only 10% bio available. You will only receive 10% benefit from that product, 90% is useless. You literally are flushing $18 down the toilet. Now was that such a great deal?

Vitamin quality is directly related to the price. Higher quality products simply cost more to create. Just like anything in life, there is no free lunch.

Don’t be cheap when it comes to choosing a quality supplement. If you’re going to take the time and spend the money, find a product that is actually going to give you benefits and results.

Most vitamins found in grocery stores are only food grade so be forewarned. Pharmaceutical grade supplements may be a little more expensive but you will receive a product that your body will actually utilize rather than waste.

When choosing a supplement to help with a challenge remember to allow time for it to work. It took time for the challenge to occur; it also will take time to see improvements. For example, you will not get a wash board stomach by doing just a few sit-ups. Keep committed and you will see results.

We here at Health and Nutrition Basics hope we have helped guide you when choosing supplements.

The only recommendations we will ever make are for proven quality supplements that are safe and have a history of positive results.

We have hundreds of testimonials on success stories. CLICK HERE for a recommendation on a high quality product line.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Use Natural and Alternative Help for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a misunderstood and frequently misdiagnosed condition. It is characterized by widespread chronic pain involving multiple "tender points" in the upper neck, back, shoulders, and hips. Treatments, such as painkillers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and the injections of anesthetics are rarely effective. However, many may find relief from nature and alternatives as opposed to mainstream drugs and treatments.

A natural alternative way to get relief from fibromyalgia is to take a Super antioxidant. The most powerful one one the market today is Isotonix OPC3. Isotonix™ OPC-3 is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids. In addition to being powerful antioxidants, the OPCs in Isotonix OPC-3 have been shown to provide a variety of health benefits including, but not limited to, cardiovascular health, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports healthy blood glucose levels and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. The results are proven and are 100% guaranteed.

In addition to taking OPC3, changing your lifestyle is also a must.

Lifestyle, Nutrition and Supplements

•Eat well. A diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will fortify your body's natural defenses and healing system.
•Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils, and all foods (such as deep-fried foods) that might contain trans-fatty acids. Use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat.
•Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
•Eat ginger and turmeric regularly.
•Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners and foods containing bleached flour
•Eat yogurt which contains active yeast cultures
Curcumin, magnesium, blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) and herbal oleander extract are all powerful immune modulators which may help.
•Exercise. Regular physical activity has been found to be one of the most effective fibromyalgia treatment methods. Although muscle pain may increase during exercise, the pain usually dissipates within 30 minutes. Stretching and low-impact aerobic activity (swimming, walking, yoga, or using cardiovascular machines like stationary bikes or elliptical trainers) are most effective.
•Establish regular sleeping habits. This is critical for reducing pain and improving energy and mood.
•Use relaxation techniques. Studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia benefit from regularly using techniques like meditation, yoga or breath work to counteract stress.
•Take supplements. In addition to a daily antioxidant regimen, take 250 mg of magnesium and 500-700 mg of calcium daily to help relax and maintain nerves and muscles.
•Supplement a B-complex vitamin will also aid with low energy and stress.

The results from this regime a nothing short of a miracle. Remember results are 100% satisfactory guaranteed!!!

To order your OPC3 and other recommended supplements click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Pain Free Day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cure Disease with Prescription Drugs?

Do you believe that taking a pill can reverse years of neglect on your body?

If you are taking prescription drugs and believe they will cure your illnesses you need to ask yourself a few questions.

Will you be on this medication for the rest of your life?

Will you have to get a stronger variation or take more to get the same relief?

If you can answer yes to either of these then you know that the drugs are not curing the problem. You should look at what is causing the problem and start there. Typically it is diet, lifestyle, exercise or stress. Common sense will tell you that if you don’t take care or abuse something eventually it will break.

If you also believe that the government will protect your health if a drug should causes extreme harm, you may be in for a big surprise.

The drug companies are not out there to be your friend.

Their main concern is corporate profits.

Band-Aid treatments will not cure diseases!

- No doctor has ever cured a disease

- No prescription drug has ever cured a disease

- The only thing that will ever cure a disease is your own body

Your body was developed to heal itself as long as your immune system is functioning properly.

A prescription drug is nothing more than a Band-Aid treatment for your ailments. Even surgery can be nothing more than a Band-Aid.

The problem with Band-Aid treatments is your disease is never cured.

All too often you hear about people that develop a condition and are prescribed medication. They don’t get cured so they get a different or stronger prescription. The condition never seems to go away nor does the prescriptions. The mindset of many people is that in order to get relief you need drugs. Unfortunately the cycle begins.

This viscous cycle goes on and on, the problem is never cured. The reality is they may be worse off than before. More prescriptions, more confusion and more side effects.

It has been proven many times over that prescription drugs not only can cause many serious health conditions but also account for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually.

Deaths due to prescription drugs, ranks as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. today.

Surgeries depress the immune system and should only be done in emergencies. The greatest cause of death following a successful surgery is a secondary infection.

Let’s take your tonsils for example: Your tonsils are a critical organ of your immune system. If you had your tonsils removed its equivalent to tossing out your smoke detector because it is making too much noise.

Immunologists tell us; under no circumstances should your tonsils be removed because they are your first line of defense against disease and the only defense against poliomyelitis virus. But still over a million tonsillectomies are performed every year.

The safest and smartest treatment for any disease is a healthy body and immune system. Take care of those and they will take care of you!

Immune boosters:

Vitamin A & D Super antioxidants OPC’s

For a recommendation for an immune booster watch a short video HERE.

Take responsibility for your own health. Get informed; visit this blog to find more information that is easy to understand so you can get your health on the right track. Knowledge is power!

If you enjoyed this article please feel free to pass it on to your friends and family.

Have a Healthy and Successful Prescription Free Day!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Debt and financial stress can shorten your life.

(NaturalNews) Every day we are bombarded by media reports about economic woes, national debt and unemployment. And the crisis really hits home when the bills arrive. Debt, money, and jobs are a huge source of stress these days. And while the problem may be genuine, stressing over it could be killing you.

When researchers in Finland interviewed more than 3,400 individuals and tested them for metabolic syndrome, it was found that those with symptoms of metabolic syndrome (like insulin resistance, high cholesterol and obesity) were more likely to have experienced stressful events during the previous year. Even more interesting: financial and work stress in particular appear to be linked to signs of metabolic syndrome.

Why does stress over finances and debt have such a profound impact on our health? Stressing about money triggers a powerful survival response in the body: the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are necessary in small doses on a daily basis to keep your heart beating and your lungs pumping -- they can even be life-saving in certain situations. But when these stress hormones are chronically elevated, it can lead to all sorts of health problems.

Specifically, chronic stress can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood sugar. It also impacts digestion, bone health, mood and many other aspects of our health.

So how do we overcome these life-threatening health problems? Drop the stress! Sure, this is easier said than done, but if you want to live a long and healthy life it must be done. While we don't always have a choice in the financial struggles that come our way, many factors are still under our control, and that is where you must focus your efforts:

1. Get out of debt. The bills won't stop coming until they are paid off. If you have the means, start paying off your debt one bill at a time. Tip: start with the smallest debts so you can gain some traction and feel like you're getting somewhere.

2. Stop the debt now! Maybe you aren't in a position to pay off your debt (and many aren't), but the next best thing is to stop adding to your debt as much as possible. Throw away the credit cards and make a habit of paying for things in cash.

3. Get real about your budget. In order to do the two things above, you may have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. It helps to track where your money is going to see where you can improve. You may not live in the lap of luxury, but chances are there's some money slipping through your fingers every month. Use financial software or an old-fashioned pen and paper to figure out where your money is going. Then you'll see where changes can be made. Often it's less painful than you'd think.

4. Prioritize your health. Healthy living doesn't have to cost a fortune. Try any of these: take a daily walk outdoors, go to bed earlier, take a few minutes of downtime each day, call an old friend you haven't seen in a while, check out a good book at the library, make a few more home cooked meals each week, or soak in a hot bath after a stressful day.

5. Learn to let go. Stress can become a learned response. It takes practice to respond to situations without stress. Stress management techniques help you learn how to deal with stressful events and situations without letting them affect your health adversely.

For for more information on dealing with stress click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Stress Free Day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Take care of Pneumonia.

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung that is typically caused by infection--bacterial, viral or fungal. The most common form of the disease is largely bacterial in nature, although pneumonia is sometimes caused by a virus (viral pneumonia). Symptoms include inflamed and painful lungs and chest, breathing difficulties, severe cold and flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, fever and significant-to-severe mucous build-up. The disease can last for as little as 1 month and progress for as long a year or more. Pneumonia is commonly treated with antibiotics, but in some cases, mainly viral, the disease can fail to respond to antibiotic treatment.

Diet and Nutrition

1 Supplement 2 grams of Isotonix vitamin c and 6.5 grams of Isotonix OPC3 every 4 hours for 2-7 days. Both are very powerful anti-oxidants that will help alleviate inflammation, mucous build up fever and it will reduce pain.

2 Remove excessive amounts of animal protein from your diet. During a bout with pneumonia, it is important to get as much protein from vegetable sources as possible. Excessive amounts of animal protein can be hard on your digestive system, especially if you are sick. When you are ill, it is important to keep yourself regular and allow whole foods to work quickly so your body can absorb their nutrients and fight the infection. A healthy amount of protein can be found in vegetables such as beets, artichokes, spinach, cauliflower, peas, eggplant and potatoes.

2 Mince 4 to 6 garlic gloves and 1/2 onion. Add 8 to 10 oz. of water and 2 tsp. of honey. Blend well and drink 30 minutes before you eat your first meal. This mixture will help open your bronchial passages so you can stay comfortable during the day. Drink this mixture throughout the day if you feel unusually congested.

3 Drink a 12 to 14 oz. glass of cranberry/apple juice with breakfast. This will add antioxidants to your system. Do not eat any solid foods for breakfast, except for a small bowl of yogurt or kefir. Juice fasting works best.

4 Drink a potassium broth with lunch. Making a potassium broth is simple. It can be done by juicing 2 large carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 radishes and a few pinches of parsley. If you don't have a juicer, drink 10 to 12 oz. of low-sodium vegetable juice. V-8 Juice is among the top brands. It is important to get as much potassium as possible during a bout with pneumonia. Potassium helps repair damaged tissue in the lungs. Do not drink a potassium broth if you have heart disease; potassium helps to regulate your heart function and too much can be dangerous. Consult your health care provider before drinking a potassium broth.

5 Drink a 12-ounce glass of carrot juice with dinner. Add 1 tbsp. of cayenne pepper. Carrot juice will help heal the lungs, and add antioxidants to your damaged tissue. Carrot juice, aside from being a wonderful source of vitamin A, is also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B complex. Cayenne will increase the effectiveness of the carrot juice. It also helps in repairing tissues in the lungs.

6 Drink 1 or 2 cups of olive leaf extract tea before bed. Olive leaf extract acts as a natural antibiotic and will help your body fight your infection by attacking the pneumonia, while keeping the rest of your immune system healthy. Olive leaf extract is sold in tea form at health food stores. It is also available in capsules, powder and as a liquid elixir, if you wish to take it in a form other than tea.

Other do's and dont's

Drink at least 8 to 10 ounces of pure water per day. (NO WATER BOTTLES)
Blow your nose and rid your throat of mucous as needed.
Avoid smoking. Smoking robs the body of oxygen.
Cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or simple respirator if you go outdoors in cold weather.
Get plenty of sleep. Avoid strenuous activity.
Avoid caffeine.

Have a Healthy and Successful Pneumonia Free Day!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The 5 best places to have sex!

On your way home to the girlfriend? Hoping for a bit of action tonight?

Don't be confined to just the bedroom. Familiarity breeds contempt, right? So you need to mix it up a bit - starting with our top five best places to have sex by FHM.

Experiment. Try something new. Have sex somewhere you wouldn’t normally have sex, basically. Have sex somewhere you’d normally do something other than sex. Like wash. Or swim. Or drive. Sound good? Thought so. To read on click HERE

Have a Healthy and Successful Sex Filled Day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aloe Vera, is it good to drink?

The health benefits of aloe vera juice have long been known. It has been used historically as a soothing balm, applied externally for cuts, scrapes and burns. Modern uses of aloe vera are extensive.

The health benefits of aloe vera taken internally include: improved circulation, regulation of blood pressure, promotes healing of bones and joints, strengthens the immune system, defends the body against bacteria, heals internal tissue damage, heals ulcers, improves and even eliminates constipation, blood sugar regulation, heals damage from heart burn or acid reflux and reduces itchiness in psoriasis helping it to heal.

Drinking two to four ounces a day is all that is required to gain the many benefits of aloe vera juice. If you drink it daily, aloe vera can aid your digestion, improve your circulation and detoxify your body and cleanse your colon.

The detoxification properties of aloe vera juice also act to detoxify your blood stream. If you have intestinal or stomach problems it can help your digestive tract to work smoothly.

Aloe vera also helps to dilate the capillaries and support cell growth, thereby improving circulation.

One of the most important health benefits of aloe vera juice is its operation as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, helping to prevent the onset of disease in the body. Thus, taking aloe vera juice daily helps to maintain good health and provide a sense of wellness and energy.

Aloe Vera Juice And Weight Loss

One of the most valuable health benefits for today’s society is aloe vera's ability to assist weight loss. Aloe vera works to both reduce and stabilize the body mass index by stimulating the metabolic rate in our liver cells so that we burn more energy.

The energy used for this comes from fat and carbohydrate stores in the body. Drinking aloe vera juice every day has been likened to doing multiple workouts throughout the week.

Another reason why aloe vera works well as a weight-loss supplement, is because it has a high content of collagen protein. When you drink aloe vera juice every day, the body has to spend additional energy to assimilate its protein into your system.

This extra expenditure of energy also supports weight loss and muscle development. Aloe vera reduces the amount of time food stays in your intestine, which means that less energy is absorbed from the food.

Throughout history aloe vera has been associated with achieving healthy body weight and it has been known as “the dietary plant” and “the harmony remedy.”

Aloe Vera Juice And Detoxification

Detoxification is another of the health benefits of aloe vera juice. Carrisyn, an extract of aloe vera, has been shown to stimulate the production of infection-fighting blood cells and in so doing strengthen the immune system.

Aloe vera juice contains amino acids, methionine, serine threonine and molybdenum, which work together to detoxify heavy metals and additionally aid in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein. This action prevents a build up of fat in the liver and the arteries.

These detoxification and laxative qualities of aloe vera juice, improve the efficiency of the colon, which is extremely important for good health. Poor colon health results in the re-absorption of toxins into the human body resulting in low energy and sickness.

When choosing a great aloe vera product, it must be 150 percent concentrate. It should be made from at least 100 percent aloe vera, 50 percent aloe concentrated powder, have more than 200 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, including 13 of the 17 essential minerals needed for great nutrition.

For a great aloe product click HERE

Have a Healthy and Successful Aloe Filled Day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lack of vitamin D can lead to diabetes, study finds.

(NaturalNews) The array of undiscovered health benefits afforded by high vitamin D intake is vast thanks to several new studies linking deficiency in this important hormone to diabetes.

One study published in the journal Diabetes Care explains that a simple 25 nanomole per liter (nmol/L), or 10 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), increase in blood levels of vitamin D results in a roughly 24 percent reduction in diabetes risk, while another study similarly reveals a correlation between high blood levels of vitamin D and reduced risk of diabetes.

Dr. Ken Sikaris and his colleague Zhong Lu, both of which are pathologists at Melbourne Pathology in Australia, tested the blood levels of 5,200 participants as part of their research. After accounting for more than ten outside risk factors that may affect outcomes, the duo found that participants with the highest blood levels of vitamin D had a significantly reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes compared to those with the lowest levels.

"It's hard to underestimate how important this could be," said Dr. Sikaris concerning the findings, inferring that vitamin D is an essential weapon in the fight against diabetes.

In a related study, physician Anastassios Pittas from Tufts University evaluated 2,039 people with high blood sugar levels as part of her three year study, and found that every 12.5 nmol/L (5 ng/mL) increase in vitamin D levels resulted in an eight percent decreased risk of developing diabetes.

Participants with the highest third of vitamin D levels, above 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL), were also 38 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those in the lowest third, which averaged 32 nmol/L (13 ng/mL).

"There are indications that vitamin D is of importance in glucose metabolism, and that supplementation with vitamin D may increase both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity," writes a report at in response to this and other vitamin D research.

The Vitamin D Council maintains that healthy blood levels of vitamin D fall between 125 - 200 nmol/L (50 - 80 ng/mL), which can be achieved through regular sunlight exposure and supplementation with vitamin D3.

For a high quality Vitamin D supplement click HERE

Have a Healthy and Successful Vitamin D Filled Day!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Study on how eggs prevent cancer shows vast healing power of foods

It is well known that eggs contain a powerful amount of protein and essential lipids, but new research has found that they also contain antioxidant properties that are known to prevent cardiovascular disease as well as cancer. Researchers from the University of Alberta determined that egg yolks in their raw state contain almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple and about the same as half a serving of cranberries. When fried or boiled, however, antioxidant properties were reduced by about half. The reduction in antioxidant properties was even more severe when heated in a microwave, which destroys many of the nutrients in any given food.

Another important factor is that the egg yolk is consumed along with the egg white. Researchers at the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed diets of either primarily wheat or corn. In their examination, they found that the yolks contained tryptophan and tyrosine, two amino acids with high antioxidant properties. Organically raised hens, which are fed high quality diets rich in vitamins and minerals, will also produce higher quality eggs, which will subsequently be loaded with more essential nutrients.

"Ultimately, we're trying to map antioxidants in egg yolks so we have to look at all of the properties in the yolks that could contain antioxidants, as well as how the eggs are ingested," said Jianping Wu, a member of the research team.

The discovery of the two amino acids within the raw egg yolk may only be the beginning of studies regarding the healthful impact of egg consumption. Little is truly known about the full scale of antioxidants held within raw egg yolks, and much more research is needed to even begin scratching the surface. Currently carotenoids, responsible for the yellow pigment in egg yolk, are known to be found in eggs along with peptides. The research team plans to launch further studies in order to investigate egg carotenoids and peptides before attempting to map out more antioxidants in egg yolks.

Vast healing power of foods still not entirely known

Raw eggs are only one example of natural foods that contain powerful antioxidants and other nutrients that scientists do not fully understand. Whether they are unsure of the benefits, or do not even know the nutrients exist yet, natural foods are continually found to address more and more health concerns on a daily basis. The best part about it is that these studies haven't even caught up with the full spectrum of benefits that eating high quality organic foods delivers to the body. Researchers from prestigious universities will still be catching up with natural health advocates for years and years to come.

For more info on the benefits of eggs click here.

Have a Healthy and Successful Long Weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Top five ingredients to avoid in deodorant

(NaturalNews) Deodorant is an essential toiletry that most Americans have in their medicine cabinet today. Many are still unaware of the hidden dangers in the active ingredients of modern day deodorant. They continue to use these potentially hazardous chemicals on their underarms as a way of reducing perspiration and odor.

The primary ingredient used in most antiperspirants is aluminum. Aluminum is a metal, which is used in antiperspirants to help block the sweat from escaping the pores. Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer in women and has also been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Several studies have shown a link between increasing antiperspirant use and rising rates of female breast cancer and prostate cancer in men. However, the FDA has not committed to classifying it as a carcinogen. Their position remains one of "wait and see" as more definitive studies are released.

Parabens are a family of synthetic preservatives that are often found in deodorants as well. In fact, parabens are contained in an alarming amount of our body care products. A random sampling of 100 human urine specimens performed by the CDC showed that all 100 contained parabens. This demonstrates the high absorption rate of chemicals we place on our skin.

The largest concern is that the absorption of these chemicals will disrupt our delicate hormonal balance. This can lead to things like early puberty in children and an increased risk of hormonal cancers. Paraben exposure has also been linked to birth defects and organ toxicity.

Propylene glycol is another common ingredient that is used in antiperspirants and deodorants. This is a petroleum based material that is used to soften cosmetic products due to its slick consistency. It is a cheap way to make skin care products more easily applicable to the skin.

The argument that propylene glycol is safe in small amounts has been questioned by consumer safety advocates. In large quantities, studies have shown that it can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver and heart.

This chemical is even found in many of the processed foods we eat today. Logical thought follows that decreasing our exposure to propylene glycol is the prudent thing to do. It is for this reason that using skin care products that are propylene glycol free is becoming popular in health conscious circles.

Phthalates are another class of chemicals that are often used in deodorants and antiperspirants that you may want to avoid. Phthalates are used in cosmetics, synthetic fragrances, plastics, body care products and medical goods. They help to dissolve other ingredients and to create a better consistency.

The problem with phthalates is that they have been linked to a variety of health issues. High phthalate blood and urine levels in women of child bearing age have been linked to a higher risk of birth defects. This suggests that phthalates may disrupt hormone receptors as well as increase the likelihood of cell mutation.

Triclosan is another common ingredient included in commercial deodorants. It is utilized as the odor killing part of antiperspirants for its anti-bacterial properties. It is also commonly used in antibacterial soaps, hand wipes and gels.

Triclosan is actually classified as a pesticide by the FDA. It is also classified as a probable carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency. This classification has prompted some companies to remove it from their products. However, it still can be found as an ingredient in some formulas.

Have a Healthy and Successful Thursday!