Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hot Dogs Are as Bad

Yes we all love a good hot dog. Growing up it was a staple food at birthday parties and most summer gatherings. So, are hot dogs as bad as health experts say they are? You be the judge.

Hot dogs (and other meat that has been cured, such as bacon or salami) contain nitrates, which are added to the meat during the cooking process to prevent the growth of botulism and to help the hot dogs maintain a vibrant pinkish color (without the nitrates, the hot dogs would turn brown or gray — tantalizing, right?). Here’s the catch, though. In the human body, these nitrates form nitrosamines, which have been associated with various cancers.

 The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), based in Washington, D.C., put up a billboard suggesting hot dogs cause cancer near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway reading: “Hot Dogs Can Wreck Your Health.” This messaging appeared next to an image of hot dogs in a cigarette pack along with a link to cancerproject.org, a website sponsored by PCRM.

“A hot dog a day could send you to an early grave,” says PCRM nutrition education director Susan Levin, M.S., R.D. “Processed meats like hot dogs can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and various types of cancer. Like cigarettes, hot dogs should come with a warning label that helps racing fans and other consumers understand the health risk.”
This statement from PCRM might be extreme but there is real evidence that hot dogs aren’t entirely healthy. Several studies have found that processed meats can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Many processed meats contain sodium nitrate and this has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that eating one hot dog a day raises the risk of colorectal cancer, on average, by 21 percent.

Now are the PCRM biased?

 In 2005, a study at the University of Hawaii linked consumption of processed meats to a 67 percent increase in the risk for pancreatic cancer. Yet another more recent study links eating too much processed meats to heart disease and diabetes. This study found that eating one serving a day of foods like bacon, hot dogs and salami was enough to greatly elevate your risk. Interestingly enough, the researchers did not find that eating unprocessed meat at the same rate led to nearly the same risk. What’s the difference in the meats that contain similar amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol? The processed meats had four times the amount of sodium and 50 percent more sodium nitrite.

Take this information and make a decision right for you. I think based on this information eating hot dogs on a regular basis is definitely a not a good idea. Next time you’re at the ballpark, take that $7 hot dog as a sign that cutting back may not be such a bad thing.  

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Allergy Season Is a Thing Of The Past

If you suffer from hay fever, allergies, itching or hives, but don't want the drowsiness or other side-effects of many over-the counter antihistamines, consider these top 10 tips.

  1. Pycnogenol is a natural anti-inflammatory as well as a natural anti-histamine. I have seen allergies subsided in people with severe allergies after taking 100mg of pycnogenol daily. For the most recommended pycnogenol on the market today click HERE.
  2. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that will help support the immune system. Take 1500mg daily with the pycnogenol for best results. Not sure what Vitamin C supplement to take? Click HERE for Coach Mask's brand of choice.
  3. Increase omega-3 fish oils. Fish oil helps to reduce the inflammation involved in allergic reactions. And studies show people who get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish like salmon, herring, sardines and albacore tuna are less likely to suffer from allergy symptoms. Don't like to eat fish, then click HERE.
  4. Decrease protein to 10 percent of daily caloric intake. Replace animal protein as much as possible with plant protein.
  5. Eliminate milk and milk products, substituting other calcium sources.
  6. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
  7. Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils, and all foods that might contain trans-fatty acids (such as deep-fried foods).
  8. Use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat.
  9. Always drink plenty of water to help keep your respiratory tract secretions more fluid. Drink fifty percent of your body weight in fluid ounces.
  10. Experiment with eliminating (sequentially, and one at a time) wheat, corn, soy and sugar for six to eight weeks to see if the frequency of attacks (or symptoms) decreases.
The results are remarkable! No more expensive OTC drugs! More importantly no more itching, coughing or running nose. Say good bye to those nasty allergies today! 

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is TLS The Solution

As a nutritionist and weight loss coach I believe that lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction are the three main components to a successful weight loss journey. Eating frequent small meals, more organic foods and avoiding sugars and processed foods are the perfect start to your journey. Eating a diet that is low glycemic will provide the body with a steady energy to perform at an optimal level.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. Exercises that help release frustration can prevent the buildup of stress. Remaining  positive while on your journey will help you stay on track with your weight loss, career, or personal goals.

TLS Weight Loss solution will help you with all three components. Stress reduction, new life skills, supplementation and incorporating low glycemic impact eating will support normal hormone function, improve your mood, increase your energy and help YOU achieve your weight loss goals.

Are you ready to become a new, healthier you? Are you ready for more energy and ready to take up less room? Results are guaranteed! So what are you "weighting" for? Let's get started today! Email me trevor@coach-mask.com to get access to your free diet profile today!

Have a healthy and Successful Day!