Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Lie: Fat Free Foods Help with Weight Loss

Let’s expose this myth

If you buy only food products marked as fat free, will you lose weight?

The answer is: NO!

The reason is that these products, which are being marketed to the dieting crowd, are not made of miracles.

They contain ingredients that have no nutritional value and are unhealthy compared to the “real” products that have been on the market for years.

You want to eat foods that taste good, right? If you feel you will lose weight eating fat free foods and they still taste good, are you concerned on what is in it? Well, you should be. There are chemicals taking the place of natural ingredients that could, and probably will, have long term effects on your body.

This becomes dangerous because it means that people do not read the labels nor pay attention to what is in the products, allowing the manufacture to put in whatever they want: large amounts of preservatives, sugar substitutes, salt, fats, etc…

I strongly advise that you stay away from the ‘fat free’ labeled foods, and eat the natural versions.

The body knows how to breakdown natural foods through the digestive system.

The fat free foods have artificial ingredients, preservatives and chemicals. The body receives no benefits from these additives. Worse yet, it doesn’t know how to process them.

People who drink or eat diet or fat free products also tend to over eat because they think these foods are not going to count towards their daily intake. This is dangerous. You are still eating the same amount of foods – it does not mean you can overindulge yourself with these “lower fat” versions.

Most of the time this will actually cause people to gain weight!

These foods are just as filling and fattening, and even more so if you believe you can eat twice as much without having any repercussions with your weight or metabolism.

Our recommendations to you would be: Stay away from the fat free products; eat what your body can process effectively. Rarely will you lose weight, and most of the fat free foods contain dangerous preservatives.

Stick with as many fresh, organic fruits and vegetables as possible, they are the best fat free foods you will find.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

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