Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Common Cold - Fact or Fiction Continued....

I must say I get a little irritated when I see someone cough or sneeze and not cover their mouth with their arm. If you use your hand your just passing along the germs.

Here's the answer to yesterday's question. Fact or fiction: Wash hands to keep colds at bay?

Whenever someone coughs, sneezes or blows their nose, the virus jumps on to their hands and then spreads to whatever they touch. That makes it easier for you to pick up the virus with your hands, and then put it into your body when you touch your eyes or nose.
The best way to keep germs at bay? Make hand-washing a regular habit. Use warm water and soap, and scrub for about 20-30 seconds. Take special care to wash your hands — or use an alcohol-based sanitizer — after close contact with a group of people (like a business meeting), before a meal or after touching commonly-used items like elevator buttons or the office copy machine.

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever?

You've heard it before — feed a cold, starve a fever. Or was that, starve a cold, feed a fever? Which one is right — and how much does your diet really matter to your recovery?

Check back tomorrow for the answer.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

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