Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do You Get A Cold Or The Flu? Not Anymore!

Even when you know how to be healthy, this is the time of year when colds, flu and viruses have a better chance of taking you down.

So here’s your 12-step program for how to avoid getting sick and stay healthy and well.

Although it’s an essential part of the plan, knowing how to stay healthy and well isn’t just based on starting out with robust health. Aggressive pathogens run rampant all day long on any surfaces you touch.

And no matter how well you take care of yourself, you MAY still get infected.

But, with these how to avoid getting sick tips, you can greatly improve your odds of making it all the way through this flu-season unscathed. And if you do get sick, your symptoms won’t be as severe or as long-lasting. I haven't been sick in years and now you can have a fighting chance too!

Here are your flu fighting down-and-dirty-dozen tips for how to avoid getting sick, prevent colds and flu, be well and stay healthy all season long:

1. Stay away from sick people. Although germs are all around us, they’re naturally more concentrated in sick people. So avoid close contact at social gatherings or work with anyone who seems under-the-weather. And, if you must visit somebody in the hospital, sit in a doctor’s waiting room or care for a sick child, which are all germ factories, wear a mask.

2. Eat only super healthy food. How well you eat has a huge effect on whether or not your body has the resistance necessary to protect you from germ invasions. So make sure you’re eating healthy foods, like lean protein, whole grains and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Maintain germ-free hands. Since much of your contact with the world is through your hands, and bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces up to 8 hours, keeping your hands squeaky clean helps protect you from getting sick. Here’s a list of some of the main germ hideout sites:

MallsHandrailsShopping carts
MoneyDoorknobsGym equipment
SchoolsPlaygroundsPublic restrooms
LibrariesOffice phonesRestaurant Tables

And also be wary of cafeteria, restaurant and all group shared foods.

4. Keep hands off your face. One of the best ways for germs to get into your body is through your mouth, eyes and nose. So even if you’re vigilant about washing hands, get in the habit of not touching your face.

5. Avoid breathing toxic fumes. Inhaling airborne germs from people’s coughs and sneezes are infectious. But smoking, second-hand smoke and traffic fumes can destroy vitamin C and also weaken your defenses.

6. Take immunity supplements. Combined with a healthy diet, nutritional supplements definitely help you to stay well. Along with the basic daily nutrients, antioxidant supplements, like A, C, E and selenium, plus vitamin D, enzymes and probiotics can all help you avoid getting sick.

7. Drink plenty of clean water. Drinking water is essential to staying healthy. Add some lemon with natural vitamin C to help fight off foreign invaders and stevia extract to turn it into healthy lemonade.

8. Be sensible about exercise. Staying active helps reduce stress and improves your immune system. But if you feel like you might be getting sick, skip the workout. Your body needs rest and all your extra resources in order to fight off whatever germs you’ve been exposed to.

9. Always get plenty of sleep. Your immune system is very effective at defending you against foreign invaders, but your body needs downtime in order to restore itself. This is especially true if you’re fighting off an infection. So learn how get a good night's sleep – every night.

10. Don’t share food or utensils. Germs can easily find their way into party dips, finger food or any shared dishes or drinks. And be sure to use your dishwasher or hot soapy water to clean dishes at home.

11. Avoid drinking excess alcohol. According to research, alcohol weakens your immune system for up to 24 hours. So, especially if you feel you might be coming down with something, lay off the booze.

12. If you get sick, be pro-active. Drink plenty of liquids (like water with lemon, herb tea and plain broth), avoid congestive foods and overeating, get lots and lots of rest and take extra nutritional supplements.

And be smart about antibiotics. While they’re effective with bacterial infections, like pneumonia or sinusitis, most colds, sore throats and flues are caused by viruses, which are totally unresponsive to antibiotics.

Plus, needlessly taking antibiotics will only weaken your immune system.

While learning how to avoid getting sick, stay healthy and be well takes effort, it’s a vital part of knowing how to be healthy all year long.

To order all you immune boosting supplements click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Sick Free Winter!

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