Friday, December 9, 2011

The Diet Myth

Many people try to lose weight by eating diet foods that claim to be prepared in a healthy fashion. Whether they are "nutritionally balanced" frozen dinners, supplement shakes or meal replacement bars, they are not truly healthy alternatives to whole food.

Why is Over Sixty Percent of The Population Overweight?
Lets face it. The main reason we gain weight and develop health problems is because of poor eating choices. People are looking for “the magic solution” by buying metabolism boosting drinks or taking meal replacement shakes that promise results. The truth of the matter is, the only way we are going to reverse the effects of bad eating habits is to reverse the cycle by developing good eating habits. 

Do Meal Replacement Bars and Shakes Work?
Meal replacement shakes, drinks, and bars are becoming more popular. They have been around for many years yet the obesity rate continues to rise at a record pace! My personal opinion is that I prefer people eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and fish that the earth provides us. However, if you choose a meal replacement bar or shake it is best to not skip your meals but use them as a morning or afternoon snack. It is NOT HEALTHY to replace nutritious foods with only synthetic bars and shakes. You can fool the body some of the time but not all the time.

Many of these prepared foods contain poor ingredients - especially unhealthy fats. Manufacturers love partially hydrogenated oils because they extend shelf life, but in my opinion they are dangerous. For one thing, these oils are sources of trans fatty acids (TFAs), which increase risks of both cardiovascular disease and cancer. TFAs are just as bad, if not worse, for the heart and arteries than saturated fats. They increase total cholesterol, raise "bad" LDL (low density lipoprotein) and lower "good" HDL (high density lipoprotein). Beyond that, TFAs may also have adverse effects on cell membranes and the immune system, and may promote inflammation and aging. 

To sum it all up. Choosing a diet with only meal replacement bars and shakes is not a healthy way to go. You must combine it with healthy balanced meals and exercise for the results to be effective (health wise).   

Stayed tuned to an upcoming blog on "The Perfect Diet" for health and weight loss.

Have a Healthy and Successful Day!

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