Friday, November 11, 2011

How's your Immune System?

Are you one of those people who seem to "catch" every bug out there? Do colds and other respiratory infections seem to hang around day after day or week after week? 

It is true that our immune system weakens with age, which is why the flu can be fatal in the elderly. Nutrition plays a key role in staying healthy during the cold and flu season. It is my belief that with a proper diet and supplementation there is no need to get the flu shot. So before the next cold and flu season hits (it might have started already) give your diet a "shot in the arm".

Here are some tips to boost your immune system and stay out of the doctors office.


Foods high in protein like lean chicken, fish, beans and eggs are the foundation to a healthy immune system.  It's key for antibodies and white blood cells which seek and destroy germs and cancer cells. Many proteins are great sources of zinc, iron, and many B vitamins. Aim for 3 to 4 ounces twice daily.

Brazil nuts are full of selenium which is an anti-oxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Selenium also speeds up the white blood cells to kill off germs. Aim for 200 micrograms per day. You will also find selenium in salmon, crab, tuna, shrimp and mushrooms. Between 30-40 micrograms per 3 ounce serving of seafood.

Pumpkin seeds contain about 6 milligrams of zinc which is a very beneficial nutrient for immune health. The older we get the more deficient we tend to get. Typically aim for 11 milligrams for men and 8 milligrams for woman. If you tend to get sick often you may want to aim for 30 milligrams daily. Now that's a lot of pumpkin seeds! You will also find zinc in oysters, ginger root, pecans and dry split peas.

Garlic has very strong antibacterial properties especially when eaten raw and is a virus killer. Aim for a clove a day. For a great article on garlic click HERE.

Rainbow of vegetables and fruits are full of antioxidants which not only strengthen the immune but also fights off free radicals. Antioxidants work best when mixed together so the greater variety of colored veggies and fruits the better. Aim for 7-10 servings a day. Blueberries and red grapes are packed with antioxidants! 
Supplements are supposed to be just that, supplements. Unfortunately most people do not even get the minimum amount of nutrients yet alone the optimum amounts vitamins and minerals.  With our very busy lifestyles supplements are almost always needed to strengthen our immune systems. Just be careful in your choice of supplements.

Majority on the market today can not be digested due to the binders, coatings and fillers. The cheaper the vitamin the better the chance no digestion will take place. I use personally Isotonix. For more information on this brand click HERE  

You can also look back at a past blog on about choosing supplements, click HERE to read now.  

So what supplements should you choose? One way to find out is to take a nutrition analysis. Based on your answers to 91 questions for men and 94 questions for woman I can find out what nutrition deficiencies you may have. Email me a request at and you will receive a FREE analysis. For basic recommendations I suggest the following:

1) Super antioxidant (OPC) to read more on this super antioxidant click HERE. Or watch this quick 2 minute video.

Vitamin D is very powerful vitamin. The research done on this vitamin is endless.
Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition. To read more click HERE. To get optimum vitamin D look at taking 1,000 IU per 25 pounds of body weight

Vitamin C  is another powerful antioxidant to keep the immune system optimal. Vitamin C plays a significant role in a variety of metabolic functions. It strengthens the immune system. It helps in the synthesis of collagen, which strengthens the cardiovascular system. Because our need for vitamin C is so high during the immune robbing times of winter it is recommended you supplement with 1000-2000 milligrams daily.
Green tea is believed to be one of the main reasons for the Japanese to have lower rates of disease. Green tea is a major storehouse of immunity-boosting compounds. Some research suggests that green tea is helpful for fending off the bugs that cause flu and diarrhea, pneumonia, whooping cough and even cavities. Aim for 2-3 cups daily for optimal benefits.

Off the menu items include refined sugars and starches. Sugary and starchy foods ( which convert easily into sugar in the body) deliver a double whammy to the immune system. Eating sugar is like giving  Valium to your white blood cells, knocking them out so they can't kill off germs.
Saturated and Trans fat like burgers, red meat or fried chicken are best avoided to keep your immune system healthy. Eating too much of these fatty foods causes inflammation which will inhibit immune functions. Remember,  eating healthy fats like salmon, avocado's or flaxseed are good to eat and may also help improve immune function.
Alcohol temporarily "intoxicates" your immune system, reducing the ability of all cells to fight those pesky germs. So stay away from the "hot totties" as they do more harm than good.

I hope this will help pave the way to a healthy immune system for you this fall and winter.

To order your Isotonix supplements click HERE now!

Have a Healthy and Successful Winter!

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