Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cigarettes Won’t Kill You

But Smoking Them Will!

Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the North America today.

At a time when the government is aggressively trying to cut health costs, why are they trying to ban an option that might help people quit smoking tobacco, perhaps the most devastating health problem in the Canada?

The FDA held a press conference recently to scare Canadians about the so-called “e-cigarette” – claiming it was loaded with harmful “toxins.” The agency was implicitly saying: Stay away from these new, untested cigarette substitutes. It’s better to stick with the real ones, the ones that we’re more familiar with, the ones that cause over 37,000 deaths annually in the Canada, the ones that produce irritating and dangerous second hand smoke.

Traditional cigarettes are lethal, not because of the trace level presence of specific “toxins,” but because by using them, smokers inhale enormous amounts of smoke – otherwise known as “products of combustion.” It is the inhaled smoke that kills in so many ways – from cancers, cardiovascular and lung disease, and more.

People smoke to get the addictive drug, nicotine, but the drug alone does not cause cancer.

Many mistakenly believe nicotine alone causes cancer disregarding the dangerous addition of deadly smoke.

The delivery system, a cigarette full of hundreds of toxic chemicals that are inhaled along with nicotine does. This misinformation leads many smokers to smoke 'light' cigarettes, thinking they will inhale less nicotine. In reality, smokers tend to smoke more light cigarettes and inhale more deeply to get nicotine from light cigarettes, resulting in a significant amount of harmful chemicals being inhaled.

The e-cigarette, a cigarette–mimicking device made up of a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge, allows smokers to inhale, getting a dose of nicotine they crave, and then sending steam out the other end with little or no odor, to mimic the ritual and feel of smoking normal cigarettes.

The FDA complained that the e-cigarette is a “nicotine delivery system.” Well, that much they have right. But again, it’s the smoke that kills, not the nicotine. Yes, nicotine is highly addictive, and it is what keeps the smoker hooked. But getting the nicotine without the smoke is an enormous health advantage for cigarette smokers (the nicotine inserts come in various strengths and the users can adjust them downward as they wish, making it easier to quit).

More than 1 million smokers are now using the e-cigarette. A realistic product that offers some, if not all, of the “social amenities” of the real thing, like holding the cigarette, taking a drag, seeing a plume of “smoke” is catching on. It offers more control for the smoker and less danger to the innocent bystanders.

Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the Canada today. Any alternative product that is acceptable to addicted smokers should be taken seriously.

Who do they have in their best interest? Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

I have been smoke free for 6 years today, and I have never felt better. I feel my health is getting better with age all because I made the decision to change my life.

There are many natural options out there today to help aid with quitting. I used Freedom Laser. To check them out click HERE.

Have a Healthy and Successful Cigarette Free Day!

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