Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Acid Reflux-What drug companies don’t want you to know

Reflux affects millions – WHY?

Acid reflux or “Gerd” is a very common condition that affects millions of people on a consistent basis. Basically, liquid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, causing the esophagus to inflame. This is extremely painful and can linger for hours, sometimes days. It is most commonly known as heartburn and affects 1 in 10 adults in Canada on a daily basis.

The solution recommended by pharmaceutical companies is medication; (what a surprise). Do your research before getting hooked on these medications. It is ultimately your responsibility to understand what you are putting into your body, and the long term effects it creates.

Acid reflux is big business for drug companies because so many people suffer from it, especially seniors. Today, in our drug orientated society, the treatment is mostly based on the suppression of the amount of acid. Drugs are promoted as the miracle cure for millions of people, which means billions of dollars of profit for drug companies.

What is most important for you to recognize is, when a drug is truly necessary, and when is it simply to increase a drug company’s profit margin.

Although these drugs may work temporarily, they do not solve or cure the problem of acid reflux. In fact, they can make the problem worse.

Drugs such as these drastically diminish your ability to digest food properly. Without sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid in your stomach, you reduce an important defense mechanism against food-born infections and increases your likelihood of food poisoning. Not digesting your food also increases your risk for nearly every other chronic degenerative disease.

What can you do?

What can really help is to change what is going into your body. Following an alkaline diet (coming soon) alone will improve acid reflux, allowing the body to start healing itself without the constant barrage of arrows attacking it. Acids are your enemy so eliminate the major ones first.

Some suggestions of the acidic foods that you should start to eliminate or reduce would be: coffee, alcohol, dairy, red meats, refined sugars and white flours. This will start to normalize the pH in your stomach and alleviate the reflux.

You may notice certain foods that trigger attacks; try to stay away from those foods as much as possible. Try to slow down, reduce stress, and enjoy life as it is. My first suggestion would be to drink 2 oz. of Aloe Vera Juice (more on this below). Other suggestions would be to try B5 and B Complex after you eat, as well as water with lemon or lime.

Don’t just put a band-aid on the problem!

Drugs are just a band-aid approach to the problem and therefore can be so dangerous. We live in a society that wants instant gratification without any responsibility. The drugs allow us to forget about the pain, so therefore we think its better so we go on eating and living the same lifestyle that created the acid reflux in the first place. In the meantime your body continues to become more acidic causing more damage.

You need to ask yourself, “Is my reflux getting better?” If you have to use your medication more often and feel it wears off more quickly, the answer may be that your reflux is getting worse.

Eventually the drugs don’t work as well. Then stronger drugs are needed to be prescribed. This becomes a vicious cycle. The reality is you have to look at the cause and change that first. Look at your current lifestyle, diet, exercise, stress. Evaluate your actions and you will more than likely be able to change in a few areas to make yourself healthier. Drugs are not always the answer.

Additional remedies to help with acid reflux

Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily; water will help dilute the acid in the stomach.

Eat fresh garlic every day; garlic will optimize bowel flora and kill pathogenic organisms.

Supplement with a quality probiotic; probiotic creates good bacteria in the stomach so it can function normally.

Drink 2 oz. of Aloe Vera; Aloe Vera is a healing plant so it makes sense to start to heal the stomach. 2 ounces daily will alkalize the stomach and repair it at the same time.

When looking to purchase an Aloe Vera juice, be forewarned that there are many low quality products on the market. I recommend an Aloe Vera that is certified by the International Aloe Science Council with a patented process.

Aloe Vera Juice can assist with the digestion and absorption of nutrients, promoting an overall healthy lifestyle. It is very beneficial for children. We have testimonials on people having success with many challenges such as psoriasis, constipation, dry skin, overall immune challenges and more. For more information on a quality Aloe CLICK HERE

Take care of your body and it will take care of you!

If you found this article informative please pass this along to someone who may be on a drug treatment for Acid Reflux. You will be saving their health.

Have a Healthy and Successful Acid Reflux Free Day!

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