Friday, May 10, 2013

Stop Being Busy (& Start Getting Things Done)

We live in a society where being really, really busy is the cool thing to do, yet as we continue to sign up our kids for every sport and activity or we waste time on "things" our lives suffer. Our health suffers, our relationships suffer (why is divorce still on the rise) and our wealth suffers! We have to start to think differently, and that starts with learning new skills! This is a great article about making the right choice and learning the new skills to stop the busy madness!

Stop Being Busy (& Start Getting Things Done)
by Dani Johnson

Have you noticed how busy people are today? It’s almost as if busyness is perceived as success… As if being busy was the same as getting things done.
I think in today’s world, we tend to glorify busyness. Just look around you. Think about how many times a day you hear others say, "Gosh, I’m so busy today!" or "Wow, what a busy week!" How many times a day do you feel like you’re running around in circles, jumping from one task to another, all the while, taking phone calls, texting, and answering emails?
We teach our kids to be busy, between homework and soccer and baseball and piano lessons and dance and gymnastics and church and chores. You hand them a Pop Tart and rush them out the door early in the morning to take them to school, and then pick them up after school and race from one activity to the next, and picking up dinner from a drive-thru somewhere in there. By the time you get home in the evening, everyone is wiped out and grouchy, and it’s time for bed. (Sleep, wake up, repeat.)
We are busy at work and busy at home. We are busy in the car while driving, busy at the dinner table, and we’re even busy while we’re on the toilet! We are busy 24/7.

What does it feel like to be busy? Your heart is beating fast, you may be short of breath, and you feel like you just can’t move fast enough. You’re trying to keep up with......... read the rest of the article here
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!
Coach Mask

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