Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Perfect Weight Loss Program

We all know the "secret" of successful weight loss: Eat high quality low glycemic food and exercise. It's not always easy, but by adopting healthy eating habits and a regular exercise routine, you are sure to lose weight without depriving yourself of nourishing, satisfying food. And if you continue those good habits after you reach your goal, you will have an excellent chance of maintaining your desired weight. The first step to achieving a healthier, energetic, vibrant and thinner new you, is to make the decision to make it happen. after you decide to make the change, the plan below will make it a reality for you! Here is the perfect diet to reach your weight loss goals:

  1.  Detox. A detox normally lasts seven to ten days. A detox gently purges the body of impurities, relieves the body's dependence on high fat or sugary foods. It also enhances the body's response to carbohydrates. It will help accelerate your weight management goals and will jump start your weight loss efforts if you hit a plateau. The two types I use for clients is the NutriClean or a natural detox. The natural detox is a little more effective but the NutriClean is a little easier to do.
  2. Avoid artificial sweeteners and synthetic fat substitutes. They are unhealthy and don't help you develop good eating habits. You also will not lose weight.
  3. Eat Low glycemic foods. Dr David Jenkins created the GI ranking system back in 1981 to help manage blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. What they discovered was that the low GI system not only controlled blood sugar levels but all his patients were also losing weight. To find out more about the Glycemic index click HERE. 
  4.  Exercise. The right type of exercise is important. The most effective exercise program contains a combination of aerobic, strength and flexibility training. Remember to always check with your physician when starting a new program.
  5. Stress reduction. Chronic stress causes your system to have an abundance of stress hormones, and your system will never have a chance to go back to normal. When cortisol is chronically elevated this way, the fat cells do not respond normally.
  6. Water. Pure, filtered water. Staying well hydrated is essential to optimal health and overall functioning. Drinking 50-60 percent of your weight in ounces will help flush out nasty toxins and will also keep you feeling full. Drink as much as you want throughout the day, and in the warmer months, be sure to drink water before and after exercising to avoid dehydration.
  7.  Journal. It has been proven that people who journal lose more fat and pounds than people who don't. It holds you accountable to what and when you eat. It also keeps you on track to succeed!
  8. New Life Skills. You may have to learn some new skills to be successful. You don't know what you don't know. Some people have been told that cutting calories or whole food groups, and or replacing food with drinking meal replacement shakes is how to lose weight. This couldn't be further from the truth. Based on your old thinking it maybe time to look at news to reach your weight goals. If your not sure where to start maybe it's time to work with a professional to help you reach your goals. Which brings me to #9
  9. Work with a weight loss coach. Weight loss coaches are trained to find what type of program will work for you. A weight loss coach can help you with food choices and suggest new ways of thinking. Weight loss coaches will work with you one on one or in a group setting. Now with  technology it can also be done online! Time saving and affordable!
  10. Accelerators. Accelerators are just what the name implies. They are designed to help accelerate weight loss. They are not a "MAGIC" pill or potion you take to lose weight. Choose one that has clinical studies. Make sure they are of the highest quality ingredients. Be careful when choosing generic store brands as most on the market do not produce results.
So this was just a quick snap shot of how to reach your weight management goals. For more information on how to get started on your goals please email me at trevor@coach-mask.com with Top 10 in the subject line and you receive a discount on your customized program. I can fit any time or financial restraints you might have. To get your free assessment contact me today!

Have a Healthy and Successful Goal Reaching 2012!

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