Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cure Disease with Prescription Drugs?

Do you believe that taking a pill can reverse years of neglect on your body?

If you are taking prescription drugs and believe they will cure your illnesses you need to ask yourself a few questions.

Will you be on this medication for the rest of your life?

Will you have to get a stronger variation or take more to get the same relief?

If you can answer yes to either of these then you know that the drugs are not curing the problem. You should look at what is causing the problem and start there. Typically it is diet, lifestyle, exercise or stress. Common sense will tell you that if you don’t take care or abuse something eventually it will break.

If you also believe that the government will protect your health if a drug should causes extreme harm, you may be in for a big surprise.

The drug companies are not out there to be your friend.

Their main concern is corporate profits.

Band-Aid treatments will not cure diseases!

- No doctor has ever cured a disease

- No prescription drug has ever cured a disease

- The only thing that will ever cure a disease is your own body

Your body was developed to heal itself as long as your immune system is functioning properly.

A prescription drug is nothing more than a Band-Aid treatment for your ailments. Even surgery can be nothing more than a Band-Aid.

The problem with Band-Aid treatments is your disease is never cured.

All too often you hear about people that develop a condition and are prescribed medication. They don’t get cured so they get a different or stronger prescription. The condition never seems to go away nor does the prescriptions. The mindset of many people is that in order to get relief you need drugs. Unfortunately the cycle begins.

This viscous cycle goes on and on, the problem is never cured. The reality is they may be worse off than before. More prescriptions, more confusion and more side effects.

It has been proven many times over that prescription drugs not only can cause many serious health conditions but also account for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually.

Deaths due to prescription drugs, ranks as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. today.

Surgeries depress the immune system and should only be done in emergencies. The greatest cause of death following a successful surgery is a secondary infection.

Let’s take your tonsils for example: Your tonsils are a critical organ of your immune system. If you had your tonsils removed its equivalent to tossing out your smoke detector because it is making too much noise.

Immunologists tell us; under no circumstances should your tonsils be removed because they are your first line of defense against disease and the only defense against poliomyelitis virus. But still over a million tonsillectomies are performed every year.

The safest and smartest treatment for any disease is a healthy body and immune system. Take care of those and they will take care of you!

Immune boosters:

Vitamin A & D Super antioxidants OPC’s

For a recommendation for an immune booster watch a short video HERE.

Take responsibility for your own health. Get informed; visit this blog to find more information that is easy to understand so you can get your health on the right track. Knowledge is power!

If you enjoyed this article please feel free to pass it on to your friends and family.

Have a Healthy and Successful Prescription Free Day!

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