Monday, October 3, 2011

MSG – ASPARTAME The Silent Killers

What is MSG and what does it do to you?

There is a lot of information and opinions out regarding the effects of MSG on the human body. Google the term and you’ll find an overwhelming response! Personally, I feel anything that’s a chemical, MSG or “artificial” anything, is harmful. The human body is designed to process whole, natural foods - not chemicals. A build up of chemicals in the body will eventually interfere with the body’s performance and lead to serious health issues.

MSG and artificial sweeteners are the biggest culprits, in my opinion. The following is a list of additives used in many foods that we ingest on a regular basis in this country, such foods as prepackaged meals, soups, snacks, condiments, and fast foods.

So how do you get away from all these chemicals?

Keep yourself informed! The more informed you are as a consumer, the more you won’t buy the products that contain these poisons. Sooner or later these companies will have to stop using them. What a blessing that will be for everyone.

These additives have no other purpose other than to enhance the taste of food.

Sources of MSG

* Food Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG *
(A partial list of the most common names)
Monosodium Glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Hydrolyzed Protein Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
Plant Protein Extract Sodium Caseinate
Calcium Caseinate Yeast Extract
Textured Protein (Including TVP) Autolyzed Yeast
Hydrolyzed Oat Flour Corn Oil

* Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain MSG *
Malt Extract Malt Flavoring
Bouillon Broth
Stock Flavoring
Natural Flavors/Flavoring Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring
Seasoning Spices

*Food Additives That MAY Contain MSG or Excitotoxins *
Carrageenan Enzymes
Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate Protease Enzymes

Do you use Aspartame? You won’t after you read this!

This should open your eyes!

Please share this with anyone you know who chooses to purchase “diet” products. Remind them that the first three letters in diet are DIE. Hopefully this will help them make better choices.

Aspartame is an intense source of Excitotoxins, sold under brand names such as NutraSweet, Equal, and aspartame. It breaks down within 20 minutes at room temperature into several primary toxic and dangerous ingredients:

1. DKP- Diketopiperazine (when ingested converts to a near duplicate form of a powerful brain tumor causing agent)

2. Formic Acid (ant venom)

3. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)

4. Methanol (causes blindness)

These can be found in diet drinks, sugar free gums, children’s medications, and thousands of other products claiming to be 'low calorie', 'diet', or 'sugar free' products. Make sure you read the labels before you purchase any of these products.

Check out more information at Coach Mask's blog and learn how to make you and your family healthy and feeling great!

Knowledge is Power!

Have a Healthy and Successful MSG- Aspartame Free Day!

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