Studies on omega 3 fish oil and weight loss have added another great fish oil health benefit to a long and impressive list.
Research on fish oil for weight loss, fat burning and for depression while dieting show that those who get the most omega 3 fish oil with DHA
- weigh less,
- burn more fat,
- have less obesity,
- suffer less depression,
- and have healthier hearts
And now these benefits of fish oil for weight loss and dieting-depression can be added to all of the other extraordinary fish oil health benefits.
Fish Oil Weight Loss Research for Fat Burning
A study done at the University of Georgia found that fish oil with DHA helps to stop the conversion of pre-fat cells into fat cells by causing them to die. This process can help to decrease the accumulation of body fat.
And doesn't that sound like a fantasy dream come true?
You just send in some brave fish oil knights-in-armor to kill off all those big bad fat cells before they can set up a stronghold in your body castle.
And researchers at the University of South Australia found that taking fish oil capsules, when combined with moderate exercise, causes you to lose more weight than exercising without taking fish oil supplements.
Plus, the fish oil group had a far better improvement in their heart health.
Of the 75 overweight adults in the study (ages 25 to 65) those who received daily fish oil supplements had a 10% reduction in bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and a 14% decrease in unhealthy triglycerides.
And research done in Japan found that fish oil reduced weight gain in mice by boosting their fat metabolism, which would also be true for humans.
When two groups of obesity-prone mice were fed high fat diets, those that also received omega 3 fish oil supplements gained less weight and metabolized more fat than the group receiving no fish oil capsules.
"These findings suggest that an up-regulation of intestinal lipid metabolism is associated with the anti-obesity effect of fish oil," they concluded.
Fish Oil and Weight Loss Depression
Researchers have long understood that we need certain healthy good fats in order to keep our hormones in balance, so that WE feel balanced.
Nutritional scientists also understand that our intake of good essential fatty acids helps to keep our metabolism up and running at top speed.
Most dieters abandon their weight loss goals because of overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression – they just plain feel bad! And studies show that a major reason for "the blues" is lack of omega 3 DHA.
Research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found "depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 fatty acids"
This means a lack of fish oil fatty acids greatly contributes to depression. University of Sheffield researchers in the UK, cut to the chase and summed it up, "Fish oil supplements with DHA alleviate anxiety and depression."
Still another research study found that, when omega 3 fish oil DHA was given to "depressed subjects, compared to subjects in a placebo group, there were highly significant benefits" in just three treatments.
So fish oil with DHA can work very fast to overcome a dieter's depression. And the more fish oil fatty acids people get, the better they feel.
Your Bottom Line for Fish Oil Weight Loss
High quality fish oil supplements offer you all the extraordinary omega 3 fish oil weight loss benefits, plus more, with just miniscule fat calories.
And that’s vitally important to you when every single calorie counts.
So check out my highest recommendation at the omega 3 fish oil web site, and start getting the many fish oil for weight loss health benefits ASAP.
From Common Sense Health
Have a Healthy and Successful Day!